Couple of weeks before we started our journey Beverley called me at work. With a very excited sound in her voice she told me that she was pregnant and that we where going to be parents for the first time.
We made some enquires and researched everything we needed to be aware of on our travels regarding the pregancy (diet for example). We took the decision to go ahead with our trip.
All was well up untill the morning of day 1. Beverley's morning sickness had started, she felt tired and nauseous but wasn't actually sick. We continued with our journey stopping in a pharmacy in London to buy anti sickness bracelets that seem to help.
Day 2 in Dubai Beverley was feeling the same and struggling with the heat. Which out of the 2 of us, should be mainly me. When we arrived in Japan we thought the cooler temperatures would help. But Beverley still continued to struggle with feeling nauseous and lacked energy. We made sure she drank and ate enough to help and only did as much sightseeing as she could handle.
By day 7 in Nagano it was apparent that Beverley would continue to struggle and heading to Manilla and Thailand wasn't going to help, as she struggled to control her temputure. My worry was that Beverley had such fond memories of Thailand that the morning sickness could ruining it for her. Also is she got any worst would we be able to cope in those countries.
We started to make enquires to change our plans and look at what our options where. At one point we looked at traveling home via Hong Kong, Bejing or Seoul, to Hamburg or Copenhagen. Overall we took the decision to cut our trip short, and get Beverley home. A trip to Cornwall was even mentioned.
Eventually we finally settled our plans. We changed our flight from Bangkok to Beijing but to land in Glasgow. We made our own way to Seoul. Due to timings and cost we grabbed the sleeper train to London from Glasgow.
We couldn't write these changes in our blog originally as Beverley was so early into the pregnancy. Our advice to you if you find yourself in a similar situation is to do your research, ask some questions and work out your options. Your be surprised what an internet connection and some e-mails can achieve.
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