Hi everyone, apologies as something has disrupted my blogs. I sent one from Abu Dhabi but apparently it has not appeared on my blog site. So I will start again and apologise in advance if it suddenly comes back from cyber space and is repeated.
Etihad Planes are great and have good seating especially if, like me, you are luckly enough to get three empty seats alongside you and you can sleep lying down for most of the journey (if you can actually get some sleep). One child screamed for most of the trip and there was also a young guy who was either high on drugs or grog and would suddenly scream out for no reason. Plane staff were great with him, however I saw him later in the airport being escorted by the police so I guess his holiday was not going to be enjoyable for a while. The plan taxied down the runway for over 1/2 hours before we were all bundled into busses for about a 10 minute ride to get into the airport which is filled with designer clothes, handbags perfume etc. Ate at Burger King and probably walked about 3kms around the airport waiting for my flight to Venice. The Alitalia plane was not very comfortable at all so the 6 hour flight to Venice was a bit ordinary. Met up with some people on the same tour so, as our room would not be ready for about 5 hours we wandered into Venice, dirty tired and desparately in need of sleep and a shower after nearly 30 hours of air travel and and waiting at airports. Bridges in Venice haven't got any smaller unfortunately so legs certainly go a bit of a workout. My phone adaptors are not charging properly so I am typing this on the hotel computer so cant put up any photos yet but hoping to do this on the boat which we board at 10 in the morning. Talk to you tomorrow. Cheers
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Carrie Miss you!
Carrie Miss you!
Carrie You're having a great grandson!!!