Hello there!!!
Just to update you, we made it to Curtitiba, after reaching the bus station and getting on the bus and accusing two people of sitting in our seats, who then pointed out to us that we had actually booked those two seats for yesterday!!! Oopsies! How embarassing! We asked the bus man nicely if we could get on this bus with sheer desperation and puppy dog eyes! Thank God he let us on.....although we had to sit next to strangers, I was sat next to some Brazillian man and when your seats recline to a lying down position its is not the most comfortable of places to be lol....all was well and we survived another 6 hours journey by sleeping most of the way and snacking on free dry goods!
Arrived in Curitiba late so just got a taxi to the hostel and crept into our beds (with quilts resembling the Honey Monster) and got some shut eye. Hostel is nice, massive and pretty much deserted.
Woke up this morning and enjoyed yet more cake for breakfast, then got ready as we would do usually, although when I sprayed my perfume, the older lady we were sharing with screamed no stop! no stop! She then explained she had allergies , Beth kindly offered some Piriton but she declined saying she has a bad liver. She was fine about it after wafting out the smell so not too much upset.
We wondered the streets of Curtiba having no clue where to go as the tourist bus doesnt run on Mondays (Typically our luck!) So we eventually got a map from a nice Hotel and walked North seeing a couple of the sights, the Arab Memorial and the (closed) Achitechture museum. Stopped and had lunch, which including some Brazillian bean stew, which Beth gave a try despite her phobia of the texture!
We then messed about in the Polish woods (odd i know) on the playground pretending we were 8 again! Then were really brave and worked out how to get the bus North to the park, where we were attacked by a gaggle of geese and saw some big beaver/guinea pig type creatures just living in the wild. After trekking for miles in the beautiful surrounds of Curitiba we walked even further uphill to the start of what we think is the Italian suburb. We could not go on any further so decided to stop for some cake and ice cream and chilled in the sunshine. We got the bus back again like total locals and headed back to the Hostel before it got dark as we were told lots of bad people come out after 6pm!! Scary stuff!
Just chilled at the Hostel this evening, uploading some more photos for you all to enjoy and we are planning how to get to and where to stay at our next stop which is Paranagua and Ihla do Mel. Looking forward to this alot, just hope the weather is good for us as its getting chilly here at night!
Will update you all soon with more exciting stories of the adventures of Biff!
Lots of love, Miss you all
Love T xxxxxxxxxxxx
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