Well to update you on the last few days....
After heading back to the hostel on Friday and finally regaining the use of our bodies after the chilli incident we just went to bed after a long day travelling we were worn out. But obviously our prayers were answered as we woke on Saturday and it was glorious sunshine!!!
Had breakfast and chatted to Sergio the receptionist and the crazy cleaner lady, who suggested a route to Joaquina Beach and to go over the sand dunes to get there, the cleaner lady (sorry i dont remember her name) told us not to do it all as bad men lurk in the sand dunes waiting for attractive girls! (She knew us well lol)
Anway we set off and got the bus up part of the way and walked a little, finally coming to the sand dunes, which were actually amazing and didnt look real. There were already people boarding down them and it looked quite terrifying. But we thought what the heck and decided to rent a board out for an hour, we decided to be less adventurous and get a sitting down board as we didnt want to break any bones! Finally made it to the top of the dune and slid down, actually quite fun when you are on your way down but the struggle to the top each time, meant we soon got bored. We sat on the top of the dunes and took in the view, as it had been raining there are random pools of water in the marshland. (As you can see from my panoramic shot - i think im a pro with the camera now lol) Also due to the wind we got sand everywhere, up our noses, in our ears and actually ate a little of it!
We walked the rest of the way over the sand dunes to Joaquina beach, where we had lunch. We climbed yet more rocks this time less of a task than Ilha do Mel and sat for a while in the sunshine, chatting and watching the surfers attack the waves!
On the way home we decided to get the legendary Cup Noodle to line our stomachs before our hardcore night out, we bumped into Sergio who informed us that there were like 30 people at the hostel for the Couch surfing party. For those that dont know, couch surfing is a website where you join and offer your couch (or spare bed) to travellers for free. Slightly odd if you ask me but some people who have done it seem to think its a good idea. Anyway we were not sure what type of people to expect due to the nature of Couch surfing lol, but there were a mixture of nationalities, people who are hosts and others who are staying on their couchs. It was really busy, think we were taken aback by people actually being around....Beth chatted to a few people, while I just hid on the phone for a bit, was not really in the mood to have the same convo over and over! Beth likened the whole situation to some Haliwells events where you network with lots of others. We eventually got ready and when the bar had ran out of drink and some German girl had eaten the food Sergio has made us, we decided to head out, in attempt to find some food and a party!
Went to a Bauru snack bar and orderered, initially I was sticking to a good old cheese burger but in a impulsive mood I changed my mind at the last minute and pointed to some Frango (Chicken) thing on the menu. When our two sandwiches arrived, looked generally like sandwiches, I pointed out to Beth mine didnt seem to have any chicken on it only mushrooms, but it did taste like chicken? Carried on eating one half then decided to take a closer look and to my horror i saw the small skewer marks on the meat product and realised the chewy texture was actually chicken heart!!!!!! Argh, I actually started to gag at this point Beth finding it totally hilarious but also telling me not to think about it. I managed to drink my beer and just keep my mind off it.
We found an Irish Bar (ever the tourists) and got blagged by the PR man to come in, even though it was empty and a rock band was on, which generally isnt our thing. After a couple of Caipirinhas and mithering the band to play English songs - they played Hard Days Night by the Beatles, we left in search of somewhere to dance. A couple of girls suggested a bar round the corner, but when we arrived they took our names and told us we wouldnt want to go in as it was quiet and suggested another bar. Not sure if they were just trying to get rid of us or its some strange thing they do here but its definatley not positive PR!
After our failed attempt to find a party we went back to the hostel to see what was going on, the couch surfing crew were leaving so we just sat at reception, with Sergio, Brad and Jess (an Austrailian couple) and Pimpy the dog, Pimpy tried to attack and hump Brad, think he secretly enjoyed it lol.
Woke up a bit later today and had breakfast, the sun was still shining so we decided to take a walk round the lake and the centre, also to check out the Sunday market, but when we actually got there is wasnt starting till 5pm, so we just went on a wander. As it was hot and we realised it was our last attempt to top up the tan before heading to the cold climate in Argentina, we bought some tanning oil and decided to sunbathe on the balcony at the hostel.
Chilled most of the afternoon and decided we were not in the mood to go out and seek another party, so we would cook in and watch a dvd. After talking to Sergio he decided to cook for us all (us and the Australians). He cooked a lovely meal and considering there was no meat as he's a vegetarian it was delicious, i think im actually slightly put off meat after my ordeal! Although i think the juicy steaks in Argentina may change my mind!
We headed to bed fairly early again as we were both shattered, think relaxing in the sun all day is really taking it out of us! ;)
Anyway woke up this morning, again to glorious sunshine!!! Packed up and said goodbye to Sergio :( just planning on staying around the hostel again catching some rays! Then heading off to Foz Igazu, the big waterfalls North of here, although it is going to take 14 hours to get there on a conventional bus (no reclining seats) it should be well worth it for the views.
Will update you on this journey when we next be prepared for lots of moaning no doubt!
Miss you, Love you
T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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