So, my sense of direction failed us for the first time at the beach resort of Nha Trang (which apparently has the best beaches in Vietnam). After a lovely seafood meal we wandered around looking for a coffee shop. We found a local one which ticked all of the boxes. Afterwards, we carried on walking to get to the sea front. Well, thinking that I was leading the parents to the sea, slowly the roads seemed less built up and the streets became discreetly scattered with cockroaches. This wasn't right but we carried on. 'Hello's from locals became more frequent which made me realise that it wasn't a frequent occurrence to see white people in these streets. We made it to a main road with street lights, where we figured we were definitely wrong! Fortunately we managed to wave down a taxi and with the words 'Michellia hotel please' all was rectified……I was really leading the 'rents out of town-oops! Mum did say she wanted to see a more rural side to Vietnam though …
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