Day 1, evening. He said: We're here! The flight was pretty uneventful. A movie was showing, and just as the Truth Was About to be Revealed, the captain interrupted it for the landing approach. The entire plane full of people groaned at that news. Problem is, I can't watch the ending. I have no idea what movie it was. I'll have to do some googling.
The climate here is astonishingly Canadian-like. We just got settled into our room in the Hotel Isla Rey Jorge. The photo is of the Do Not Disturb sign in the hotel room. The Spanish translation amuses me. A full 24 hours of travel is going to make tonight's rest fantastic.
We met our guide, Carolina, and our drivers. How awesome is that? We have an entourage! I've never actually arrived at an airport and been one of those Sign People - you know, the ones that have people with their names on a sign? Anyway, she's very friendly and the drivers were nice (but quiet). They're coming to get us for penguins at 2pm tomorrow. Super excited! I'm hoping the photos turn out ok; I'll certainly be posting them as soon as I can.
Also on the plan for tomorrow: find a wifi spot to upload these posts, and find super lomito steak sandwiches (that's a steak sandwich topped with fried egg and ham) for lunch and king crab for dinner. Not penguin though. Too fatty.
- comments
cousinsister K let us know when you figure out the movie. i'm curious. :)
Rach Super 8