So......... DAMMIT! it's prving impossible to upload pics at the moment! The comupters don;t seem to recognise my hard drive either so finding it just as hard to back them all up - which is a tad frustrating! I'll work on it... hmmmm.
Anyway - this is penultimate day of volunteer work!! Tomorrow, as the last couple days, we'll be digging this seriously deep pit (for a toilet :-P) at an orphanage on the ouskirts of nakuru. We've gone down, after getting through the hard stone stuff, about 7 feet so far - over 3 days - ha!! pretty obismal! But shovelling all the dirt up and out of the pit is damn hard work. It's a shame im not gunna see the end of it really.
The kids at this orphanage tho are so sweet! :D Im sure they use the 'toilet' as an excuse to come out of class to boggle at our glowing white legs some more :P. What's funny is that they stare, without smiling at all, untill I smile at them, at which point they giggle, wave, ask "how are you?" and run off. But there's a masive sense of unity amoung the kids (and everyone actually) where one little girl came out of class crying - two others ran back and held each hand and walked with her. :) cute as!
Well - I have one day of work left, gunna reeeelax on saturday and party on saturnight ;) all for an early trip back to Nairobi on sunday morning. Flight to Dar es Salaam departs at 5:25pm (kenyan time) on sunday.
Man i need to wash my clothes............... AND SHAVE!! lkuawehoigisughpiaeug! :P
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