We got a deluxe coach up to Bangkok when we left Koh Phayam, it was great our driver was dressed like a pilot!!
We had loads of leg room, the seats declined right back and we got snacks and drinks provided (although there snacks were shrimp flavoured peanuts and a green cake!) the cake was actually really nice, it was like a swiss roll yum yum. Ben didnt try his as he's a big chicken, although he did change my mind after eating something gruesome which i'll tell you about in a bit!
Our Coach journey was overnight to Bangkok, i think it took about 8 hours, but it was the best overnight bus journey we've had so far...if you've read the other blogs you'll know the nightmares we've had!!!
We arrived in Bangkok and got a nice hotel(hard too find at a decent price in the backpackers district!) we looked at a room and it was about a tenner, it came with a dried up greeny on the wall, so no we didnt take that one! We had a nice new hotel with hot water and cable..woooohooo!
We spent about 4 lazy days in Bangkok, i say lazy as we didnt do much, we were supposed to do a bit of sightseeing that we didnt get round to doing the last time we were in Bangkok...actually we did make the effort and walk to the palace but then realised you couldn't get inside with shorts on so we got a tuk tuk staright back to where we came from, i refused to walk back as i was boiling and very annoyed that we'd walked all the way in the heat for nothing!! so yeah we just chilled out for the rest of the day!!
After Bangkok we got another bus to Chiang Mai, it was another overnight journey, this one took about 10 hours. Once we arrived in Chiang Mai we managed to escape some guy who wanted us to sign up to a trek and went off to find a guest house. We found the best one, it was more like a hotel and cost about 6 pound a night.
We went to a Muay Thai Boxing match (Thai Boxing) on our second night, i have to say i wasn't that keen on going as i hate blood and couldn't see the fun in two guys beating each other up but it was actually quite good! We saw about 7 fights, some of the boys looked really young but they were so good. The main Fight was between a massive Canadian guy and a Thai guy, the Thai guy didnt look that fit and the Canadian won...we think that fight was fixed!!
We bumped into two Australian guys that we had met in Bangkok at the boxing and decided to go for a drink after. When i say a drink its an understatement..we got mashed! I ended up playing my pool cue as a flute to Dire Straits and Ben ate a cricket....gross!(Deep fried cricket) This other Australian guy we met bought a whole pack and munched the lot...nasty.
The next day we were supposed to sort out a trek or rafting, but oh no..we were so hungover! we met the two Austarlian guys Jackson and James and went for some lunch...They looked as rough as we felt!!
That night we met them again for Dinner, i was feeling fine but Ben was still feeling rough so obviously concidered him a lightweight. He said the funniest thing ever "i think i'm allergic to alcohol"!!
I did feel bad though as after he'd eaten dinner he went staright to the toilet and threw up, he was feeling very bad so we went back to the guest house, hoping he would be better the next morning.
That didn't happen, poor Benny was still ill and had been up about three times in the night to be sick, it was projectile and there was loads of it...sorry, i doubt you wanted to know that! haha!
The next day we thought he better attempt to eat so went for dinner at a guest house across the road. Ben managed to eat but was till feeling a little bad, we hoped again he would be better the next day so we could do something.....That night i was ill, i think it was God's Punishment for taking the mick out of Ben. The dinner i had was right back out and it was horrible!! We spent the next two days recovering!
When we were feeling a little better we decided to do something and had an activity day. In the morning we went on ana elephant ride, which was good, there were loads of them!
After elephant riding we went mountain biking...not so good, neither of us could make it up the mountain let alone finish so we had to get a ride back, we wernt the only ones but it was shameful as there were oldies who mangaed to finish it! We had been ill, thats our excuse, plus it wasnt fun!!!
After the Mountain biking we went white water rafting which was excellent! it was so funny as i was getting thrown all over the place!!
We then left for Laos, it was a package ticket so we had a 2 day
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