Today we decided not to lounge around in bed and go as see some bits of bangkok. So we grabbed breakfast, got our bits together and got a tuk tuk to the grand palace. You can really see why it's named 'grand' as most of the buildings are decorated with coloured glass and shiney bits everywhere, murals with gold leaf line the outside walk and the giant golden tower in the centre really do shout 'grand'! They have a strict dress code which Hanas leggings did not conform to so she had to borrow a lovely skirt, which she hated! Once in we visited a few of the Buddha States around the complex including the emerald Buddha, these were again all amazingly decorated with colour and gold everywhere! After this we took a short walk out and around the palace to the reclining Buddha, again it was a walled complex with many statues and amazingly decorated rooms but the main attraction was the reclining Buddha. Lauren and Shane both told us about this and that it was impressive, you just don't realise how impressive until you get there! The sheer size is one thing but it is completely covered in gold leaf aswell! As you walk down the huge room to the end you get to his feet - and on the bottom is an intricate design made entirely out of mother of pearl! The money, time and effort put into these buildings and statues is mind boggling and the end result is incredible. In the reclining budda we bought (or gave a donation for) a tin of coins which you placed in seperate pots down the length of the building (still need to look up why) but made us feel included ha!
Apart from that we went to the pool, slept and generally chilled for the day!
Tomorrow we go and see elephants and tigers!
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