last week in san pedro was a pretty cool week. Ive gotten to know people a lot better here as its such a small town and when i walk down the street now i see at least 4 people to stop and say hello to including locals and tourists alike. some people wouldnt like that but i do, i find this town charming.
so had another week of lessons with Francisco which was good, learnt the pasado imperfect, which i find difficult to understand when to use it! i think i am there now. futuro this week.
Had my nightly DNoz, and recommended a few people to go there and met a few other regulars, which is nice. They had good movies on last week so watched a few of them to pass the time in the evenings.
I was adopted into a group of Israelis too. I met one guy at school Ron, and found out he was staying in the same hotel with his friends, so i got invited to join them and then kept seeing them everywhere so hung out with them a few times. Stepped back into Zoola with them too! Theyre a nice bunch of people. found out a bit about life in Israel as well which was interesting.
Thursday I had my salsa class with Elijio and Lorenzo. Elijio arrived late and immediately came up to me all shaken saying he had just fallen off his motorbike on the way cus he was going too fast and it was pouring with rain. Bless him. He was ok as soon as he began dancing. So the class was funny for me because Id met an Ozzie guy in my hotel Dominic who i persuaded to come along and danced with but he was like 6ft5 and didnt get it! Also my friend Jurgen was there and he was drunk with another bloke Alan and they were amusing to watch. That night after DNoz closed me Randy Alex and Marcia stayed there drinking until 1am.
I dont know whether Ive ever mentioned that all bars n resturants close at 11pm here. its something the mayor brought in to hurt gringo businesses and lessen tourism but its backfired now because businesses are losing out n angry. in a few months the mayor will undoubtedly change so the law will. at 11pm the police come round the streets n shut down any parties continuing. its weird.
Friday evening was good. we drank at dnoz and i met alex's cousin Jose from Honduras, then we all went to buddah bar. I started chatting to a scottish guy who was so up himself he couldnt see the light! after buddah we chilled n chatted back at alex n randys until 4:30am. when i got in i couldnt sleep so just sat in the hammock outside my room. at 12:30 i met up with the teachers from school in the "english pub" Pub Alegre to watch Man U v Barcelona. one student Hannah was there too. We sat with Francisco and Elijio and Elijio is one crazy man when it comes to football. we all had to watch out when they got close to the goal or scored cus hes jump up and swing his tshirt around and shout. very funny! I was the only English person in there and although i wasnt really supporting man I felt the need to have some patriotism! they all looked over at me whenever something happened not in favour of Man U and when we lost they celebrated like crazy. It was the best atmosphere i have even been in to watch a football match. theyre so passionate about Barca here. After a load of local lads all wanted photos with me so i obliged and had about 8 photos with randoms. funny! There was a competition when u drink a litre of Brahva extra peel the label off and put ur name on then whoevers name is drawn wins 2 crates of beer. Well me and hannah had 3 litres and won but we had already left the bar so someone else got it. damn.
After the match the party continued. it was a chef from DNoz Antonios birthday so id said id hang with them all day. He is my teachers best friend too so Franc was there and a few others. hannah came along too. we began in Alegre, then to One, moved to a local bar in the town, then back to Alegre then we all got in tuktuks and went to San Juan a neighbouring town and to a bar there. Hannah stayed there as thats the town shes staying in but the party continued. 4 of us went back to the local partof san P and to the most seedy bar ever! Mayan women arent allowed to drink alcohol so i was the only female there and not to mention the only white person so i got stared at loads. they were ok though, just glared occasionally! at this point i had stopped drinking but Franc and Antonio and the other guy who would not stop talking continued. Franc asked if i wanted to leave after about an hour so us 2 went back into tourist part of town and went to buddah, however he was so drunk by this point and i was almost sober that i had to hold him in the tuktuk! really funny! We got to buddah and Ramon the director of the school was there and a load of the teachers again. Franc doesnt recall seeing Ramon but he spoke to him and after i told ramon that all was ok and i was giving him water! Francisco doesnt usually drink alcohol so thats why he got so bad.
After a bit of a dance in buddah to a live band, a group of us left but as Franc was drunk we lost them quickly. went back into the local town where there was a street party and everyone was drunk and it was quite uncomfortable there. After a while and meeting about 15 cousins I made him walk me back then sent him on his way.
Sunday morning i was fine, because id stopped drinking at about 9. i took an ozzie girl and ron to the bbq at the pool and then after we met more israelis in zoola. chilled for the afternoon, then i walked back to see alex at dnoz and came across Francisco, drunk as again.
so monday i didnt expect to see him at class but he was there and feeling a little worse for wear. i had a headache and wasnt feeling much spanish progression so we took a walk into this area which had been destroyed 1 and 3 years ago by landslides. everything is derelict now or destroyed. then walked back through town to a bar as i was hungry and we had some food and played scrabble in spanish. it was a good afternoon, just what we both needed!
Back to normal tuesday though, catching up!
Monday morning Randy cut my hair, completely new style, very short now and today weds, im going to his at 11 and he is gona dye it for me too. he used to be a pro hairdresser in the US so i trusted him with my barnet.
I have a plan for next week and am going to El Salvador so that should be fun. thats it for now though. I will enjoy the rest of my week with friends here and i will miss them and the place when i leave.
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