So im back in San Pedro again for a week or two more Spanish. Kinda feels like i returned home. its nice.
So Friday night we celebrated mine and kerry final night on the road together by going for a chinese in Antigua then having a few drinks. We went to a club and watched a band play. It was really good but we bailed early cus kerry had to be up at 5. so she left Sat morning and i spent the day mulling around, and met up with a German girl that studied spanish at the same school in Antigua. I also went round and priced up a pampering session. Its been 2 months today that i have been away so I will pamper myself soon! Saturday in the daytime was hilarious. I was messing round with my friend Jurgen and he kept being an idiot on facebook. So he set up an 'I hate bekki hill' group. I felt privaledged actually and found it hilarious. So if any one saw the group dont worry i was in on and and encouraged more and more banter. Hes removed it now anyway. Was so funny.
So saturday night comes and I sit at the bar then go out after. Didnt stay out late as i had to be up early to leave for San Pedro.
Sunday morning I got up at 6 and walked to the chicken bus, Cost Q36 to get to Panajachel which is like 3 hours away costing about £3! you pay that to get from Stratton to town centre in swindon...madness! Journey was ok on my own. Some annoying americans were on there and clearly had never been on a chicken bus before and were recording the guy who takes the money cus he runs on the roof and climbs up and down the bus putting bags on the roof while the bus is travelling at speed. They all do that. im used to it but they were acting amazed. was amusing for me and the guy who was running around the bus! I got the boat over to San Pedro and am staying in a hotel. I have a private room with just a single bed and a desk. Its nice. Its run by 2 very young guatemalan girls who are also lovely people. Met a few people in there who are pretty ok to talk to. Yesterday afternoon i met up with my Italian friend Massimo and spend a few hours in the cafe where he works chatting and catching up with emails.
I returned to my favourite restaurant D'Noz last night and it was nice to see the guys again. I sat with them at the bar all night and thats where im at right now. Nice to have amazing food again cooked by Diego and Antionio last night. Diego, antonio and Domingo were teaching my some of the mayan language cus thats how they commiunicate not in spanish to each other. It sounds such a cool language and is surprisingly easy to learn a few words.
Returned to spanish school today and had arranged to have the same teacher Francisco. Had a nice welcome back from him and another teacher, Elijio, that spotted me having lunch and rushed over to give me a cuddle. Theyre so sweet bless them. Lesson went well and im pleased to be back learning spanish. Maybe i will stay a week or 2 not sure at the moment. its nice not to have a time limit or a definate plan. make it up as i go along is great.
Hoping all is well at home, been reading about bad weather up north and an ash cloud again. Pretty mad again. All is good here. Some bad stuff happening in Peten due to the Mexicans and that shooting last week outside Antigua on a chicken bus but i havent ever experienced anything bad. San Pedro is safe so no need to worry.
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