So Ive managed to last 2 weeks and learnt some important things along the way - Always do the ozzie flip before you go to the loo (you never know whats under the toilet seat, Jill found a cricket there once). Its perfectly acceptable to wear the same clothes 4 days in a row....including knickers, no one really cares - we all smell. The weather in oz is a bit liek scotland....especially this week when the rain chucked it down for 2 days and our tent got flooded and had to pay for a bungalow on the site so we had somewhere dry. I also realised australia isnt a cheap as everyone says - the food is more expensive than scotland and they dont have cheapo shops like primark here.
This week has been a lazy week, we've been tryin to save some money before we hit sydney on the 21st. Went to palm beach one day to see where home and away is filmed, the place was deserted and they werent filming that day. Stayed for a couple of hours until the wind put us off, we were covered in sand so headed home. Think we were finding sand in our knickers for days....even though we changed them this time!
Had a disaster with the tent collapsing, flooding, name it, it happened. I wasnt feeling too well this week so was glad of the bed in the bungalow for the night. back to the tent tonight though and the wind is really picking up :(
Really looking forward to moving onto the city to do all the sightseeing stuff, this week has been fun but far too quiet, we just amused ourselves by spending money in the mall (even though we're meant to be saving money) and going to the pictures.
Just remembered - we went to North narrabbean Lifesavers club xmas party in the promise that there would be loads of hot surfers. We quickly realised they were either old, attached or underage! We had a good time the 4 of us, it was fancy dress so we just dressed up as hula girls, well, put the garland round our kneck! Got chatting to a few people and have been invited to a party at new year..... we still dont have anywhere to stay.
Ill put pics up when i get to a different computer, the USB port doesnt work in this one so cant upload pics. missing home now and again..... not so much when its sunny!!! Oh i forgot to mention - been broadening my food horizons - tried squid and kangaroo, the kangaroo was lovely but the squid was too cheewy....yuck!
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