Taupo, pronounces toe paw we learnt as the driver meowed at us on the way here. So far we have seen sooooo many lakes and mountains and amazing scenery but Lake Taupo is just unreal. It could fit the whole of Singapore inside of it.
As for Taupo, it is a really nice little town full of restuarants and cafes and our hostel was really nice called Urban Retreat. We were still feeling a little bit lost and lonely after leaving all our friends from the bus.
As we only had the afternon there we took an nice walk to the hot springs. I say nie even though we got completely lost and walked for about and hour but it was worth it. It was basicaly a tiny waterfall pumping out boiling hot water into a freezing cold river. It was soooo nice but rather odd as you would sit and one part of your body would be in boiling water and the other freezing cold. We bumped into a guy on our bus so sat with him for a while then headed back for tea.
Again still feeling sorry for ourselfs that we had lost our friends we chilled in the hostel, and met too girls from Brighouse, the closet I have got to home yet.
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