Well the festive season has now arrived, carols are playing decorations are up and the sun is shining. It really is so bizzare seeing houses all trimmed up in the sun. Peopel have snow men on their doorsteps and its juts backwards.
So to kick off the festivities was the Aussie Farmers works xmas do. We all met up for a big BBQ in the park, free food and booze so as always ended up rather drunk. As for the food, wel the BBQ barley worked so had a cheese sandwhich so we were all pretty hungry.
That week we put up our tree with Jenny and Adrian, its a a decent size one, with fibre optic lights in it and all the baubles are pink and purple.
Because James has been working all week, me and Emma have spent half to week, eitehr shoppign of laid in the park sunbathing.
Thsi weekend, Woohoooo, Emma and Will have arrivedsowe arranged to meet up with them and also Bianca had arrived back in Sydney.
We all met up in the train station at 4pm. headed over to coles to get things to make mine and Biancas signature spag bol and some drink. We headed back to ours and sat having drinks. Bianca and Sylvana, her friend. They were great the completely took over and made all the tea. We were meant to go down to the harbour for fireworks but we got too settled with our box of wine. It was absolutley amazing to see Emma and were so excited to spend more time with them while there here.
Today we have been down to the Harbour, it is so nice, everyone sunbathing and playing in the fountains. We have once again been and done our food shopping all ready for xmas day = )
Christmas Eve
Today we got up early as we had decided to be tourists for the day in the city. The weather was so nice and absolutely boiling. We walked all around by the opera house and then sat and had our xmas eve drinks in the Opera Bar. Its was so nice. Fom there we walked around the harbour, down throught the rocks, also eyeng up potential spots for new years eve. From there we got a little lost but eventually made it round to darling harbour. By this point we were so hot and and Little burnt so we sat in the shade with our feet in the fountain.
We had planned to go out for a meal but couldnt be bothered to rush and the weather had decided change from glorious sun to cloudy and raining. Instead we ordered a feast from pizza hut and sat in front of the TV. After we had demolished the pizza's we got ready and headed down to Darling Harbour to mett Emma and Ahsley to watch the christmas eve fire works in the rain. They really are impressive but still at this point it didnt feel like christmas.
After the fireworks we went into the Hardrock cafe for a couple of drinks. What a suprise as well, as we were sat drinks in hand who should walk in, Chris Crossley and Dave Cumberland! Such a suprise to bump into people from home but was really good to see them both = ). By the time we we got back it was pretty late, we had planned on watching xmas movies but we skyped a few people and then fell asleep.
Christmas Day 2012
Woohoo its christmas.......well not sure how we both felt about this, I got woken up by Mum and Dad on the phone and Grandma and Grandad on skype and felt really homesick. Soon as I had properly woken up though we were both like little kids. We has decided to spend a little on each other and buy random little presants for each other. James mum had also sent us out a parcel of pressies and Steph also sent me ou a parcel. We were so suprised when we had all our presents on the bed, we seemed to have loads and we got some relly lovely things. James mum had sent him some smelly's, chocolates, bxers, tshirts and the best wheres wally pants (they went down a treat with the guests for xmas dinner) I got someperfume and lip gloss, lib balm and a facemask, my mum had also sent me a bath bomb and some nice shower gel so cant wait for a lazy evening in the bath with my facemask and smellys. For each other, I got james smelly's lots of sweets, Marmite of course oh and a new razor. James got me sme pj's, sunglasses, some really gorgeous earings and also a razor. Tha was really funny as we bothed opend the present to each other at the same time. Good minds do think alike. Oh and not to forget my dressing gown which I bought for myself because I just loved it.
So the origional plan was to have a bbq at ours and then head down to Bondi. But of course, the only xmas day we'll ever have in Oz was also the day with the worst rain we had seen since being here.
We were so gutted and so was everynone else. Because of the rain e told people not to rush getting to ours so we had a really nice morning watching loads of christmas films demolishing our chocolates.
Around 12, me and Lilly spent an hour re arragning the furniture so we could set up beer pong and flippy cup, even though somehow all ended up back as it started. Emma and Ahsley arrived first and everyone was still pretty chilled out sowe finished watching films until Dan and Nerike arrived. Lillyand Matts friends were meant to come but non of them showed up.
It wasnt long before we were playing flippy cup and beer pong and also to realise how bad at beer pong me and Emma were. It was so funny. So much for a proper xmas dinner, after a few hours of games we were like beasts around the BBQ. Emma had waited all day for xmas crackers so we did all sit down for the crackers and for the hurendous jokes and playing with the crap that came out of them.
The rest of the afternoon/evening was playing the cereal box game, cherades, and the game were you stick a name on your head and guess who you are.
Overall we had a really really good day but it stil never really felt like xmas day! Mother when you read this, dont forget my late xmas dinner when I get home = )
Boxing day
James had to work today so I literally moved out ofbed 3 times, one for marmite on toast, one for 2 day old pzza hut and 3 for a drink. I spent the day watching films curled up with my box of celebrations.
On Friday Me, Emma and Lilly went down to the pool in the park for an anternoon of sunbathing, shopping and lunch wich was, nice. Nightmare shopping in the sales when you have ni room in your rucksack to fit anything.
James has been lucky at work this week, he keeps getting to bringhome so much food, lasganes, pies, milk, 2kg boxes of cherries. We are being spoilt.
Finally it was the weekend again and James didnt have to work so off we went to Bondi. The sun was shining and it was boiling. We sat near the lifeguard tower as I really wanted to get a picture of one of the bondi beach recues lifeguards but they kepy coming and going too quickly. James really wanted to go in the sea so we put our self right next to the beach buggy were the lifeguards sit next to the water. I was so excited so eventually went over to get a picture. James went in the sea and I follwed but it was freezing. I even got to sand and chat to life guard so I was very hapy after watching it on TV for years. Next it all happened, some lil girl had got caught in a rip so befre I knew it, in he went to save this girl, the film crew were all around filming him so I made my best attempts to get my face on tv = ). As we hadnt got there till late after all the comotion it was time to leave.
That night we were in for anthor trip to Darling Harbour to meet Emma and Will, Sarah, Luke, Ann and Joe. We had a few drinks and a really nice meal in the hardrock cafe and was great to see everyone together.
Well, our plans changed daily as we really didnt no what to do. AT first it wasbotanical gardens, then it was balmain, next was a bbq at Will's cousins and Milsons Point. These all went to pot.
So any way, Emma and Ahsley came up to ours about 12 with food and drink. We decided to throw our stuff on the bbq and eat to save faffing aroud later on. By 2pm we still had no idea as to what to do. The psanish couple were going to Mrs Maquaries point, so we thought sod it, we will go and meet them after our BBQ.
We went and got on the bus that Emma had found online, only to realise it was he wrong bus. This turned out for the best. So we decided we would test our luck and try get into Circular Quay, As we approched it looked busy but no where near as busy as we thought, in we went and found spot inbetween the boat docks. It was a good view but James and Ashley decieded to go explore to try for a better view. Eventually we got a phone call and ran round to the rocks where they had got the BEST place. We set up camp wth our new random and very strange tag along, Adam ready to wait the 9 hours till midnight. Honestly though the view was just incredible, harbour bridge to the left, opera house to the right. The first few hours went realt quick, we played cards and this other random guy did magic trick. By 6 the sun had gone so was a bit cooler and the air show started, the fire engine boat dd something and jetskis let off afew fireworks. By 9 we were gettin fed up bu they have the first fiewworks at 9 so that woke us up a bit. The last few hours dragged but by 11we were gettingreally excited. The fireworks were just amazing, and deffinatly worth the wait. the whole sky was flled with them. The walk up to the bus was crazy, the streets were just filled with hundreds of thousands of people.
Well overall it was a very memorable new year, especially that we were all soaber. Deffinatly one we will never forget.
Well to make up for the lack of beach time on xmas day, we were up bright and early, hangover free and ready to hit Bondi! The ques were just huge for the bus to get to the beach but of course we just marched straight up to the front. The beach was so busy, everyone in Sydney seemed to have the same idea.
Today, in terms of Bondi Rescue was the best. So all sat on the beach, suddenly everyone started standing up, of course me and Emma ran staright down to the shore to be nosy. People were sprinting out of the sea and life guards screaming at further away surfers. Next thing the shark alarm goes off, 2 helicopters are circling. We spotted the bondi rescue film guy in the sea so of course ran down to get our face in. Apparently there was a great white shark, around 2.5 mtrs swimming in the bay. There have been a lot of shark sightings and attacks around sydney since we have been here, but it doesnt seem to put people off. As soon as people were aloud back in the sea they were so excited running back in. Madness.
Well we left it so long to finish this blog im going to leave it at that as there really wasnt to much else to tell!
onto our next adventure NEW ZEALAND = )
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