I am still on the SOuth Island trying to see everywhere before the 14th Feb.
I left Dunedin last Tuesday after visiting Baldwin Street the steepest residential street in the world and headed south to Tim and Katys. While i was there i saw some real cows (black and white and a lot bigger then the ones in Taranaki). Josh and Lorna became tour guides and showed me Nugget point where there were hundreds of seal/sealions Lorna counted 116, i lost count after 60! that evening we played Buzz on the play station which i became a genius. Katy made clotted cream and we had cream teas at lunch. The next day (Wednesday) Katy gave me some scones and cream to eat as I travelled down through the Catlins. Stopping at just about every lookout and waterfall, which were amazing, on the way to Curio Bay where i stayed the night in a backpackers. By now it wasn't such good weather it had turned a bit colder and pretty windy i got to see some dolphins in the sea and the odd sealion and two penguins playing in a puddle. On THursday I had to sadly take the car back to Invercargill, I left at 8.30 and the car had to be back for 10, I stopped twice on the way back at lookouts and was only 20 minutes late back with it. I decided it was time to rest to stayed in invercargill that night before heading back to Queenstown and then up to Wanaka.
I arrived in Wanaka on Saturday at about 10am, i went to the i-site and booked up for a sky dive that day from 15,000ft. I then walked around Mt Iron which had some amazing views of Wanaka and the surrounding area. At 3pm i was taken to the airfield where i met Chris the guy i was doing the skydive with. I was in a plane with two others and i was second out. unfortunately due to the cloud we could only get to 13,500ft. I decided to pay extra to have another person jump with us and film my skydive. It took us about 10minutes to reach the height we needed then we jumped i was second out and was terrified we had about 45second free fall before the parachute was released and we glided back to land. Although i was scared it was amazing and well worth the money.
I decided to stay in Wanaka an extra night and the next day went to Puzzling world where i went through a 3d maze having to find thetowersi n the 4 corners and then saw loads of illusions like water flowing up hill and faces that followed you around the room. From Wanaka I travelled north to Fox Glacier on a 6 hour bus journey. At Fox i chose to do a helihike on the glacier, this involved a helicopter ride up onto the ice and then 2 hours walking seeing a couple of caves and a water fall then a helicopter ride back again it was brilliant but pretty cold especially when i went through one of the caves and got a wet bum!!!!
I have now travelled on again to Franz Josef glacier where i am spending 2 nights before moving on to i'm not quite sure yet, i have lots left to see and not much time so i think i will have to make some decisions on what i most want to see!!!!
anyway that is all for now will write again soon.
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