Howdy all,
So we made it to LA, feeling very tired after being awake for 24 hours. It was 3pm when we arrived but we managed to last till 8pm, nothing like hitting it hard! The next morning We ventured out into glamorous Hollywood. After seeing the giant Hollywood sign and a few boutiques, we both agreed we won't be back for another visit.
So it came to the day of the next mammoth flight, which wasn't until 11pm so we had a day to act like idiots again. Already bored by wearing the same clothes (I like to change 3-4 times a day; proving to be difficult) and looking at maps upside down (me, not Gav), we decided On Santa Monica. It was awesome! Sunny and lots of sporty/surf shops; much better than poopy, over-exaggerated Hollywood. I have decided (just me, not Gav), that the Americans are generally very helpful, eat the most amazing breakfasts, but talk ALOT.
The 16 hour flight wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. We slept, ate and slept. Melbourne has been awesome today - really hot and Sunny with lots to do. We sat in the Botanical Gardens which are beautiful and overall we love Melbourne, it's much better than I thought it would be. Gav wants to come back in March for the Grand Prix - I'm not so sure, but if it means I get to see Jenson or Lewis, I'm game :-)
The Ozzies are lovely, just as we thought. Really friendly, but not in your face and they all appear to be very well dressed and good looking. I don't on the other hand: a major lack of sleep; no make-up and the weight of a small adult on my back is proving to discourage it, but I'm getting by.
Well, best get moving. Got to go pick our 'high-tech' campervan up today, and head towards the 'Great Ocean Road'. Outside the sun is shining and the bird/parrot is chirping!
Love to everyone,
Blog it soon.
Lauren & Gav xxx
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