Edinburgh is a tendered port--so we had to take a shuttle from the ship to the port. Boarded our tour bus and set off for the city of Leith which was about 30 minutes away. Our tour was for the Royal Yacht Brittanis, a beautiful ship that belonged to Queen Elizabeth. We had free rein for favorite part was seeing all the personal pictures hanging on the walls. Still decorated as it was when she used it. It's been retired for a while. Toured the city of Edinburgh, very cool looking place but super crowded w tourists, so we opted to stay on the tour and return to the ship.
Next was supposed to be Le Havre, France, but the workers in the port are on strike, so we came to Guernsey instead. Ironic since this was supposed to have been our first Port, and now it's our last.
Cute little island, not much to see but at least I've got some wifi!
Heading home TOMORROW!!! Pictures will be added to theses entries once I'm home.
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