Our next stop in fiji wasnt actually an Island it was a boat! Which was clean, had lots of room and was well nice! Straight after we board the Wanataki we head out for a village visit. We went on one of these before and we kind of knoew what to expect! Well apparently this village was slightly different When we went and visited the chief, he was sitting there in his front room with shirt, trousers and slippers on, slightly different from the last chief we meet! The rest of the village was more traditional with all the handicraft on sale and then tribal dancing. Again charlotte thought it was a good idea to sit at the front so she would get the best view, again Charlotte got picked to participate in the dances! I dont think she learnt!
That night on the boat, there was a bit of entertainment, with a few games, Musical Chairs, which Charlotte cheated at! And then Crab racing! Now when i heard crab racing i though the big crabs you eat, but these were tiny little hermit crabs. Everyone picked and backed their crab with $2, and the winner collected the winnings, our crab was a fiesty little fella called Dave, and off we went. Dave got throug the first round easily enough, but then struggled in the quarters and semis, in the Quarters he was tripped and ended up on his back for a bit but managed to still come 5th then in the semis he went the wrong way and then when he close to crossing the finsih line he changed direction but still made it in the top 4. From the previous heats I believe he was too exhausted to make any concerted effort in the final, and came forth, but i was still proud of Dave!
That night we all went to bed and thought we were finally going to have a pleasnt nights sleep as the the water was calm and there was some air conditioning so we wouldnt melt. Unfortunately I picked the bed right opposite the air conditioning unit and it was set on Artic. I normally dont feel the cold that much espeically when I am asleep. That night I had to get up and put on my thermal top and fleece to try and raise my body temperature above 0 before my blood froze!
Before we left for our next island we went snorkelling for the 1 billionth time on our trip! The coral and fish again were amazing but there wasnt as much as before and this time there was thousands of jelly fish. So with that it was our time to get back on the boat and enjoy the sun!
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