We arrive at Coral view with great expectations because everyone we have spoke to has said how great it was. Everyone else must have stayed in Fijis only dump or were just great big fat liars! Coral view as a resort was a dump, the main area was ok, but the lack of light during the day didnt help with the ability to see, apart from that the sand as floor was a good addition. The dorm was where it went bad, there were too many beds in the dorm that didnt have a finished floor and the rought concrete wasnt the softest on your feet, but it maybe felt a little better than the damp bed, which wouldnt have been too bad if the top was more than 3 inches away from my face! The first night at least had a little entertainment when the islands dog came in during the middle of the night and started to sniff around all the beds! But at least the dorm wasnt as bad as the toilet and shower blaock! I think i would have rathered showered in prison than gone back into those showers again. Worst thing about them was that I dont think the sewage was working properly and when the wond changed you definetly got a funky smell!
Awh well at least we werent in the shack!!!!!
The positive thing about Coral View was that we were there when they had bad weather around 3pm. Until sunset!
Bonus for us was we actually got to get off the island one day for a cave trip. This trip involved us going to a cave! The trip started interestingly when boat taking us there had a capacity of 20 and there where 30 of us. Originally they got us all on, but then when the boat failed to move they decided to radio in for an other boat and moved 7 people on to the other boat, leaving our boat still overcrowded! Good times!
The caves were cool! The first cave we went into, was well cold as not much light got to the water and well it was a cave! Once we got used to the cold of that cave it was our groups turn to go through to the other cave. to get to the cave you had to swim through an underwater cave! On the way through it was a bit scary as you couldnt see anything and had no idea when to come up, well until the massive Fijian on the other side pulled you up by our head. While we waited until the rest of our group came through, we let our eyes adjust to the light or lack of it as it was in complete darkness and treaded water for about 5 minutes longer than I thought was possible. after all our group had come through to the other side we went and explored the cave a bit more and our guide told us the acient Fijian story behind the cave, I would have listened if I hadnt of kept trying to stop myself from drowning!
After the cave trip and we arrived back to the island it was 3pm so it rained, so we went for the only indoor activity, Basket weaving. This looked really coo, as you made the baskets from the palm leaves, also it looked really easy. The basket weaving was orgainsed by Crazy Bill, who was a good teacher as I am speller! I got lost at the first step and from then he ignored me and every time we reached the next step he came and made my basket for me! That meant i sat there for 2 hours holding some leaves until a crazy fijian came along and gave me a dirty look and gave me some leaves back that looked different from the when he took them off me!
The day we left Coral View was the best day, mainly because we were leaving and because we got to lie in the sun until lunch and then until the boat came to take us away and also because we treated ourselves to a magnum ice cream.
While in Fiji, we heard alot about fiji time, we guessed that since none of the guys wore watched they just guessed what time it was. We never really got inconveinced by Fiji time until the day we left Coral View, we were supposed to leave straight aftr lunch. 3 hours after lunch we were still waiting for the boat. Around 3 and half hours after lunch we were shipped onto the small boats to take us out to the main boat, after 30 minutes sitting out on that, the big boat finally came and we finally got off Coarl View never to visit it again!
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