Once a upon a time there was a clan of piglets who lived in a big fabric house.
Well one day the family were relaxing in their tent when a big bad virus came a knocking.
The virus called out to the piglets "hey little piglets let me in and we can kick back together"
The pigs looked worried and papa pig asked "shall we invite the big bad virus in?"
The little big pig said "NO"
The Middle big pig said "Utt arhh"
The Little big pig said "He's bad - No"
Mama Pig said "I think he is bad news!"
So Papa pig responded "A recent survey of pigs found four out of five pigs don't like you.So go away by the hair of our chiny chin chins.
Viro got mad and said " I am going to huff and puff and blow your fabric house in"
Viro huffed and puffed and because it was an Oz Tent it took a bit longer to blow the house in.
When Viro checked for the piglets all he could find was a note and it said
"We've gone brick and tile, toodles."
So the piglets where enjoying the security of brick and tile and there was a knock at the door.
Standing there was the was the ugliest french maid, feather duster in hand;
"Hello I am Enviro I am here to polish your snouts and fluff your pillows."
"Oh our pillows could use a fluff", all the piglets responded in unison, "please come in".
That night the sleep was wonderful the pillows had never been so fluffy.
But early in the morning their sleep was rudely interrupted by a mad evil laugh.
The piglets looked out to see who was making all the noise and there stood the big bad virus.
"Ha ha, I Ieft you all a surprise on your pillows, I hope you enjoy."
"It was the Swine flu"
And that was the way we ended up sick in bed.
- comments
MARTIN, A Hi peoples, sorry you are are all sick with the flu. Is that the actually the SIV-H1N1 'Hog Flu', or was that just one of 'Daddy Pigs' jokes?!!! I love the comment about the Oz Tent taking just that bit longer to blow down! I've been very busy lately - sounds like you guys are too. I'm really enjoying your travels - they are very well written! Off to Bed - zzz(zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) for me. Your friend 'Mr A' :-)
Samuel We went to Parry Beach near Denmark. We had fun. We slept in a big tent. Thankyou for your photos. I can't wait to meet you. Bye love Samuel
Jesse Hello Brodie, Jaidyn, Callum Thankyou for your post cards. We went camping. When I was going to the toilet I jumped over a tiger snake. I got a big fright! Bye Jesse