Olá a todos vocês da bela Brasil,
It has been a long time since The blog was updated, but we are getting close to another attempt and start our next voyage to Trinidad via French Guiana. I decided to update you with some news about Atlantis.....
I will not bother you with all the details of the modifications/improvements on Atlantis (more than 15 in total), but will give you an overview of the most import ones;
Ocema Marina in brazil did a complete rebuild of the rudders, keels and water tank covers. Both anodes where replaced and new saloon windows installed. The access to the heads seacock has been modified and new automatic bilge pumps in the engine compartments will increase the safety of the vessel.
A new antifouling is covering the keels again....good for another year or two. The propellers are polished and ready to give their maximum trust again.
Two new shut off valves will enable us to disconnect the autopilot in case of a failure (learning out of experience), and this will insure that the hydraulic steering works also in manual mode when needed.
We are still waiting for a new autopilot from Raymarine.....but hopefully that will be the last hurtle before a new departure date can be set.
This time the crew on Atlantis will be Brazilian. I will have the pleasure to sail with Mauro, who has a car dealership in São Paulo and a keen sailor for some years now. He will probably join me up to Fortaleza. bem-vindo em Atlantis Mauro!
I will keep you posted on the ETD and take the opportunity to send you some pictures of the repairs while I am enjoying my caipirinha.
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