In true typical style Jill and I boarded our plane with one horrendous hangover! Couple hours later and hangover was cured and we were landed in Sydney to meet Kate (sex face), Emma, HMV Claire and Gemma!!! We were staying at Maze Backpackers which was in the centre of the city and close to everything - good place and cheap for being christmas time! We met kate at the airport and set for the hostel.
We were greeted with christmas songs, christmas hats and one very exciteable Gemma! Dumped our bags, showered and headed to meet Emma at Nandos for a was so good to see everyone and be together again, I had missed everyone so much! I was knakcered and so headed for bed early, Gemma and Emma had work the next day so no late night boozy times for us.
The next day was hot and sunny (yipeee!!) and so we headed for Darlilng Harbour, was lovely wandering around again, was so so busy though! We found a bar on Darling Harbour that had a happy hour on their a few were had of course, night time was followed by a buffett dinner and another catch up with everyone!! The week was filled with eating a lot, Christmas Shopping, and catching up! On Christmas Eve we all hung up our "stockings" in the hostel - whcih was actually a plain black sock..still worked as I woke up with sweets in mines the following day :D! We headed for our Christmas Eve Dinner - beef, potstatoes, veg and so much more...i was stuffed and then the drinking got under way. We went to Darling Harbour for cocktails and watched the fireworks display which was so so pretty - I loved it and all of a sudden felt very sad as I realised I was leaving Auastralia in 4 days time. After this we went to our favourite Scary Canary backpacker bar where we had spent way too much on our first week in Sydney almost one year ago. We had an ace night and by 12.30am there was just myself jill and gemma left - have not been that drunk in such a long time..alot of fun was had!
The next day I was woken too "IT'S CHRRISSTTMASSS EVERYONEEEEEEE" at 8.30am by Gemma who was still very much so DRUNK! We all got up, got our stockinsg from the kitchen and got super excited at our teeny tiny sweets inside, I then found some wrapping paper and decided it would be an excellent idea to wrap jill up in this...if I do say so myself I made her a very pretty dress :)!! We got ready and set off in the blistering heat for Gav's place (Emma's boyfriend!)...It was so weird walking around in my shorts and t-shirt wearing my Santa Hat, although exciting it did not feel like christmas at all! We arrived at Gav's (every so slightly hungover) and met up with Emma, we sat outside drinking fine wine, played pass the parcel, I won a "peg" which you use to clip photos together and stick it to the fridge :)!! Then Gav got on with the cooking - shrimp on the BBQ, steak, chicken, salad...everything it was awesome!! Night time followed with more drinking and more game playing - when i say game playing I mean Emma and HMV Claire trying to see how many Pretzels they could fit in their mouth and still say "Fluffy Bunny"...probably had to be there but hillarious all the same :D!
The next day I was off to Perth for my last few days and taking Jill with me, had been a month now since I last saw craig (he deserted me for India for a few weeks) and was just a teeeny bit excited.
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