So Milan was absolutely incredible! We drove for 2.5 hours stopping at the auto grill on the way for toilet and snacks :)
We parked at the train station and met with the three other families and we all took the train into the city.
Arriving at Duomo station we descended and coming out from the subway I was mesmerised by the huge square! There were people everywhere, you couldn't move, at one end of the square was the Duomo which is actually beautiful (much nicer than the one in Florence)! We went to line up to get into the Picasso exhibition and soon came to realised that it would take awhile so us kids when shopping. I bought a coca-cola as my eyes kept resting and everyone else had had coffee back at the auto grill.
I really wanted to go to the Abercrombie shop as its the biggest and has the models there, unfortunately I would've had to line up for an hour, which I would've done but we were with a huge group so I couldn't really, but that's okay I'll go back one day! :)
We looked in Zara and by the time we got out of the huge 3 story building it was time to get back to Picasso.
Picasso's work is very interesting as he tries to show his subjects in the most complete way, but after 3 hours I was all Picasso'd out,
not to mention the place being boiling and so many people you can barely move! The exhibition was held in the property of the late king of Italy which previously was the property of Austria and also Germany and different stages in time, therefore some rooms still remains with the beauty but unfortunately some very damaged from wars and some gone completely and replaced with modern rooms. To be honest I found the detail of the rooms more interesting than Picasso. :/ ha
After our whole group had come out of the exhibition we all headed to burger king which I tried for the first time. I wasn't really a fan and the hair I found didn't really help. I don't know if I have mentioned this previously but whilst I have been in italy, hairs have been following my meals, there has been atleast one a day and it's getting quite ridiculous and I hope this trend doesn't follow me back to Aus! The only thing I haven't found a hair in the whole time is pizza! :D thankgod because Italian pizza is my love in life, I could eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner! oh how I am going to miss it:(
anyways back to Milano, after lunch us Drudi's went shopping together in the fashion capital of the world I might mention ;) hehe
unfortunately as it is the end of my trip and therefore I have no room in my luggage or alot of money I couldn't really buy anything but that's okay because next time I come to Italy I am going to go to Milan first walk the beautiful chaotic city in the summer nice and relaxed. After we went shopping we met the other at the duomo and I ate a nutella crepe ofcourse it was ahhhhmazing! Then we caught the subway and train back to the car and drove home. We stopped at the auto grill and for dinner I had corn chips hehe :)))) I loved Milan and I am really keen to go back and visit it more in depth but in summer because it's very heavy in the winter, the shops are boiling whilst outside is freezing it just doesn't make for a nice atmosphere.
Saturday I didn't really do anything but we did eat a yummy pasta back which Gian cooked :D
Sunday we ate brioche con crema (custard) for breaky and then all except kikka as she had to study went to a family friends house and ate a very big lunch. I ate an antipasto of mushrooms and chips and I don't think I've ever tried such incredible tasting mushrooms!!! gahhh :)
We played a game which no one understood and then Giulia and I came home and I had a big sleep.
For dinner Gians brother, sister in law and nephew ate with us and after tea I played a strange game that we think comes from Fiji with Gians brother, I was totally winning but cute little Andrea wanted to play so we never finished. Andrea is Gians nephew and he is the sweetest little baby boy I've ever seen!!!
Monday I had six hours of school, so afterward I stayed in the centre, ate pizzette (mini pizzas) for lunch and finished off my presents I had to buy.
Tuesday I got to school and found out that I finished at 11.15 so instead of going home I sat in prato della vale in the beautiful warm sun with my iPod and said goodbye to Padova pretty much. when fra finished school we went to Kono pizza and I had my last one I will be having for a while :'(
Then we went to a bar so she could have a coffee and then visited some shops and came home as we really needed the toilet haha !
That brings us to today where I went to school and then came home and ate tortelle for lunch (big tortellini) and it was ahhhmazing! Then I watched "la mamma per un amica" which is Gilmore Girls, with fra in Italian and then I had a sleep. Giulia and I have just made muffins together but I don't think they turned out so well as the recipe said leave in for 20 mins and i think there oven is stronger, my bad for not checking :/ but you get that !
Everyday this week I think "oh it's my last Monday, Tuesday and today wednesday" it's very strange to think in 4 days I'll be in Australia :o I am sad, nervous and excited!
Sad: For obvious reasons, I'm going to miss my Italian family, home, dog, food, language, EVERYTHING!
Nervous: for the baggage, it has me way stressed out :(
Excited: to see drews smiling face when I walk through the doors and then to see my beautiful family and friends who I've missed oh so much. Especially my dad, can't wait to see you Daddy :))) (no offence mum, I miss you immensely aswell but I saw you, I haven't seen dad for three months and I know he'll be sooking ;) haha )
Anyways this could very well be my last post from Italy but if I have time on Sunday I might write something, otherwise we will talk in Aus :D hehehe!!!!
- comments
Mum Ash you are lucky little aussie chick, what an amazing experience so worth all the hard days of work. To read your experiences is amazing.