Today, we went to Beijing Zoo, while queuing for the tickets we were hassled sadly by a beggar with scrawny curled hands, it were difficult for me to not give her money as I always give beggars money back home but some of these beggars was a con artist so I can't afford to pick and choose who I give or not otherwise I will get overwhelmed with other beggars.
Anyway, we got in Zoo; the effect of yesterday's walk on Great Wall is still visible as we as a group is barely capable of walking 15 minutes without sitting down for a break!
We saw many exotic animals, the highlight being a panda enclosure which were cool for me to see my distant second cousin removed or something daft....However I saw many other animals but the condition of Zoo is so different to the ones back home in UK, there were quite bit of rubbish strewed in each enclosure and there is regular occurrences of throwing in food by the locals. There were even a bear that learnt to open and drink a bottle of water. Many of animals looked rather dehydrated and it is quite upsetting at times especially the bear whose the fur was really ragged and she was also breathing rapidly with the mouth hanging loose.
An interesting feature I have noticed is that Chinese attractions is always filled with a group of local tourists that are being leaded by a tourist guide, they are usually given a bright cap and t-shirt so it would be easier for them to stick together so it is a novelty sight to see an elderly Chinese man wearing a neon pink cap and t-shirt!
After Zoo, we planned to go Bird's Nest where Olympics 2008 were held but Sara wasn't feeling too bright and she insisted on going back to hostel alone so Ashley and I had to come up with a plan to trick Sara into letting me going with her- For more details of the greatest plan since the Troy gift horse- head over to Sara's blog!!
Evening were spent recovering, it was planned that I were going to try a scorpion but the group who went to Bird Nest came back too late so we all just had a late dinner ( Beef Chinese Curry for me) and went to the bed.
- comments
Guy Sound exciting with mix of ironic quotes from you! I tried find Ashley and Dom's blog and seem cant find it even tried search it... But Sarak is working
Asher Woodman Worrell Sorry the correct name for Ashley's blog is ashley_bsl. You can just type in their full names and that should work as well.