We got up to Noosa after about a two hour coach ride from Brisbane and got ourselves checked in to Koala's backpacker hostel. We had heard that it was the best bar in town and one of the more popular hostels. It cost us around 28 dollars to stay there which thought was pretty steep for a hostel, so cause there was 4 of us we decided it might be a better idea to look for a motel or hotel.
We spent that afternoon looking for somewhere else to stay, and we eventually found the noosa blue resort. This would be our crib for the next 10 days, and what a week or so it would turn out to be. The best thing was that we had an amazing apartment for 35 dollars each per night and it had a gym, pool and steam room! We spent most of our days chilling on the beach and most of our nights cooking meals, drinking bevvies and watching films. It might not sound that good, but it really was.
Noosa is a quality place and it's pretty classy too. There aren't many skip rats or scruffs which makes for a more pleasant stay we all think. The beach was 10 mins away from our resort so usually we would head to the beach first thing at around 10, spend most of the day there just chilling, swimming and climbing/jumping on each other in the water haha. It was proper fun and all we wanted to do really, just take in the fact that we were at the other side of the world.
We went out on the saturday night which was a good night all in all. Gurgs (Luke's bros mate) tackled luke outside one of the clubs and proper took him out lol. We queued for ages outside this club to get in, as we all love queueing. The club was alright and had some cool house tunes playing. At the end of the night we met Will Ferrell - well at least we think it was him anyway lol, he was with some lads outside who were trying to rip us but we weren't ass pissed as them and we didn't let them upset us so there !!!!!! haha.
We also had a nice little gym routine going all the way through the week which was a laugh. There was a personal trainer there too who thought he was like the worlds strongest guy, LIGHTWEIGHT BABY! So most nights we would go into the jacuzzi after a workout to relax lol. When it came to bed time we also had a nice little routine going there too. We took it in turns to share the sofa bed whilst the other 2 guys would have the single beds, pretty cosy we think.
Towards the end of the week we all started to get a bit sad it's fair to say because we knew Luke was leaving and he really didn't wanna. On his last day we all went to the beach one last time and it was probably one of the funniest. We were all in the sea and Al found this massive turtle and decided to pick it up - one of them moments where you really had to be there or you won't find it funny! We giggled like girls and the whole beach must have been thinking WTF we were laughing at lol. The same evening we rounded off the week with a meal on the main strip in Noosa town. It was a cool way to end an amazing week that we'll not forget.
The next morning Luke left early to fly back home, and later that day me, Ben and Al all left for Cairns on a coach ride we would later find out to be 27 hours long argh. We had a cool time in Noosa and would deffo go again given the chance.
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