I wish there was a way for me to put into words how amazing everyday is. There just aren't words. It's surreal. Sublime. Euphoric. It's like a fairy tale. A dream. Cloud number nine if you will. Someone told me that once you start travelling "it's so easy to forget all of this" (sitting in Canada). It's so true. Traffic, gossip, stress, tv, hollywood, rushing around, the rat-race in general is like a memory that only comes to mind when I sit down at a computer to read my emails. Not that I get stressed out by doing it, but it's kind of like my only connection to that other world. Seems like another planet. If I were to sit down and allow myself to think of this adventure ending I'd be distressed.
I've sat in a place and thought with complete conviction "I could stay there for the rest of my life" and it would be blissful. It was a slice of paradise. Such an amazing thing to be so content. It's sad the the international image of africa is so poor because it's heaven. Everything is so real if that makes any sense. Western society is so bland. SO unbelievably bland. There's just no comparison. Coming here makes you look at everything differently. If you want to travel, do it. There's nothing like it.
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