Anna's Big Trip
I am in Budapest now. The Fortuna Boat Hotel that I was supposed to stay in is closed because the Danube is flooded! So they transfered me to a different hotel, where I get a single room! It is nice to have some privacy after staying in hostels with 6-8 beds in a room. But first, Prague. I met Dana on the plane ride over. She is from Canada and doing a nanny stint in London right now. She was a lot of fun and we explored Praque together. We saw the castle, a few churches, Charles Bridge, Old Town, and a Sex Machine Museum! Old town and the Charles bridge were full of venders selling their arts and crafts. They were all very beautiful and unique... and cheap, so we went a little nuts with the shopping. The weather was very finicky, so we had to duck into a cafe or restaurant quite frequently. We had a lot of Czech food, which is really greasy. Sausages everywhere. We just stumbled onto the Sex Machine Museum and had to go in. Very interesting! Castity belts, pleasure chairs from old French brothels, anti-masterbation shock machines....wierd world we are in.=) The first night we went to a jazz club, but it was reservation only and the bartender growled at us to get out. The Czech people are definitely not as friendly as the Irish or Scots. But I still love them and Prague. For example, I saw a group of teenage girls singing Bob Marley in their Czech accents and dancing around waiting for the underground. The next day we ended up losing each other, since our metro stop of choice had 15 different exits! But we caught up with each other by email later. We went out and had lots of yummy mojitos and Czech beer, so I only got 2 and a half hours of sleep before getting on the train to Budapest. The train ride was super long because of an accident. I met two guys from the US and we watched movies on their DVD player. We did not get in until late afternoon and everything closes early on Sundays, so yesterday was shot. I did get to have some Hungarian food, which was pretty good. They are all about the paprika here. Today I saw Castle hill with Mátyás Templom and the Royal Palace. The church was interesting in that it had very colorful tiling on the roof and inside the walls were covered with murals. The Danube is really flooded and many of the buildings by the water are flooded. I also wanted to see the Terror Museum, but it was closed today. =(It was supposed to be about the Secret Police, spying and different attrocities. The Hungarian thermal spas were tempting, but it was just too hot today. Overall I have not had a very good experience in Budapest. The people are really not nice here and do not like to help out. I got a huge fine for not having the right underground ticket and one of the guys that I met on the train turned out to be a real jerk. So I am hoping to have a fresh start tomorrow in Croatia.
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