Time to hit the road...
We hire a car and head East and keep going.... A late start and we leave Anaheim driving along countless great divided freeways (so unlike Australian driving conditions!). Dry hilly country with a few snow capped peaks in the distance. Kids are electronically amused (Nintendos, Itouch, Kindle readers) still it is better than "I spy" on an open road...!
We stop for lunch at a hamburger chain that is throughout america and is as simple as it gets.. The "Inn'n'Out" burger chain. They only do 3 types of hamburgers at $2-$3 and fries and soft drink. That's it. And the place is busier than any McDonalds you have ever been in! We then hit Starbucks for a coffee and some other food choices. I politely asked Connor to find an app while we had access to wifi (always a joyous opportunity for him to download the latest app) to translate Fahrenheit to celcius for my addled old brain. He then found an app but wasn't going to download it because it was going to cost him a $1 and would come out of his Itunes account... After could be best described as a "quiet discussion on priorities" Connor re-aligned his goals and got the app...
After that we continues through the countryside for a few more hours. Dinner was another experience at a classic diner at Seligman on the old route 66. We had a choice between the "Roadkill Cafe" or Westside Lilo's Cafe. We chose the latter.. Great sandwiches and schnitzel. Patches of ice and snow laying around as the temperature was decidely colder (as I take a picture of Lara outside the diner) as we head east. We continue for another 100 miles (speaking in american) at 8pm as it begins to snow at the South Rim of the Grand Canyon at our 3 star motel. Long day in the saddle and the kids travelled pretty well with the usual minor argy bargy, yelling, arguing between us all... We went to the lounge area with cosy couches and a bar for hot chocolates for the kids and and a hot chocolate with a couple of nips in mine from the barman from Kentucky. Time for bed and wait to see what the view is like.
cheers Paul
- comments
Duo Calitz Mobile Merry Xmas from ireland
Jules Joy Merry Christmas from Warialda, NSW Australia xxx (Soon to be Muswellbrook)