Got woken up by the tour guide shouting 'get up now, coffee! Get up now, coffee!' nearly punched him. Did not sleep at all last night all I could hear was stupid animals in the stupid jungle with no stupid light or stupid electricity. Even though we had our double mosquito net up we still got bitten! Got bitten 23 times on my legs alone! So went on a killing spree to get my blood back! They should be the size of dogs the amount of blood they took from me and Michael!
Got given scrambled egg with veg in for breakfast was nice! Even though the kitchen is just a table outside ha! Had Thai tea with tea leaves from the jungle! Was lovely!
As we were eating breakfast we saw 2 elephants (one big one small) randomly walking past our eating area! After breakfast me and Michael went to ride the elephants first! You don't ride the small one, there was one big seat on the big one. I didn't feel sorry for this one even though we were riding it as it just went wherever it wanted to and stopped to feed the small one it's milk. It literally did what it wanted, was such a diva, we ended up going up and down a cliff on a foot wide path stopped every 3 steps so it could pull some trees out at the root to eat! Then she went to a river to cool off. Scared for my actual life! The man sat behind its ears just laughed so it seemed like a normal thing, all he did was nudge her ears sometimes :) the big elephant was called noir and the small one toiley.
Toiley was so playful it was throwing mud, sitting in the way, splashing water, pushing down trees, breaking bushes and running away and hiding! <3
After the elephant ride we went back, got our stuff together while the boys went on there elephant treck and set off walking. Walked an hour and a half today to not as bad as yesterday! Still fell over 4 times! It's a joke how clumsy I am no one else falls over!
Walked to the car, picked up some pad Thai (there's a change for me ha) and to the river rafting place! (side of the road that had bamboo and a guy in a car).
The rafts we got were like 8 big bits of bamboo strapped together with twine and you have 3 on each one so Michael was at the front (god know why) I was in the middle and the tour guide at the back and we each got a bit of bamboo to steer!
The river was half calm half rough and the rough bits were horrible! Me and Michael had a competition to see who fell in first! It's no surprise that I did! 9 stupid times and I go my foot twisted and trapped between the bamboo! Proper screamed Thailand down but pulled through cos I'm a soldier ;) and my stick got stuck in the mud and the tour guide had to jump for it! Didn't look impressed! Proper bruised my hand (well 7 small bruises) ha didn't feel it though! Never had a bruise on my hand before!
Got off just before the waterfall (thank god wouldn't have survived it) and got back in the pick up truck to go home! 3 hours long :(
When we were back in Chiang Mai there was a freak rain storm! Was amazing to watch! It was over in 10 minutes though! I love rain :)
Got a shower and it was better than anything!!!!!! We went out to eat at a place called Zoe! It's huge! Looked popular as well so may end up in there in the next few nights! Met a couple of girls called Ellie and Kelsie.
Went back to our guest house and got talking to a girl called Ali from chilli! Se told me new York wasn't in the USA though?! Someone please explain! Then met who other girls called Beatrice who was Dutch and Abigail from Blackburn! Was so weird hearing a northern accent! Say more words! Ha ended up getting in at about 2.30 :) that's early for us but considering I didn't sleep last night! :)
Love you all! Xxxxxx
- comments
sharron Another fantastic blog Annie, keep them up, everyone loves them! Love Mum
tracy god god annie by the time you come home you will b black and blue xxx