Our alarm was set for 9.30, had breakfast, checked out and said goodbye to the friends we had made there from Sweden!
Was at the boat company to check in at 10.30 and at 11 about 80 of us boarded the boat from Gili Trawagan to Bali! It seemed like it took forever to get back but if only took 1.5 hours!
Got off the boat and got on a shuttle bus, a guy left his ticket on the boat and had to pay 50000 Rupiah (£3.50) as when he went back they had thrown it away.
Decided when I go home I want to write a final blog to sum all the countries up, write my favourite things and what I will miss!
The bus arrived at Dyana Pura at 2.30, went to go and collect our rucksacks from our old accommodation (still have no idea what it's called) and Michael found his passport! He lost it when we checked out and we didn't tell anyone as Debbie would have had palpitations! He thought it might have been in his rucksack so we didn't freak out!
Went to have Mei Goreng (fried noodles with vegetables) and Andi met us there! Walked back to Bali Joe, met Alex and sorted out the plans for the night as we fly from Bali to Jogjakarta at 6, have to be there by 5, have to set off by 4 and Andi is at work till 2! So we decided we would go out for our last night out in Bali! It was always going to happen!
Got our rucksacks and got a taxi to Andi's house as he gave us the key! Andi's cat is trying to get his girlfriend pregnant and he is a right diva! I'm telling you, I am not a cat person but this cat had issues with me! It's pretty cute though, a big ginger fluff ball!
Went to Starbucks as I needed wifi and there isn't really anything else around Andi's house! The staff loved us! Had some sort of mocha, locha, frocha, barocha hazelnut-ocha drink! Strange man!
The toilets had broken so had to sneak my way in, 007 style to McDonald's to use there's! I kid you not, it was the nicest toilet I have been to for months! Sit not squat, clean, lights, soap and a mirror! Luxury!
Went back to Andi's, got showered, ready and packed our bags for tonight's flight! Alex and Andi came at 8 ish and we watched The Voice, I have never seen it before and it's good but weird and Christina is the biggest diva I have ever seen! Mother get this on record!! We have a friend in Thailand that is getting far in The Voice Thailand!
There friend Lee came round and he has to curliest hair ever! I couldn't stop touching it! Alex gave us our very own drag queen show which was hilarious! Him mincing about in a bed sheet, towel on his head and singing into a comb!
Got on the back of motorbikes and went out, Alex decided this was the prefect time to go to an Internet cafe and print out his plane ticket! Screamed to Michael down the main road as he sped off! Printed it out then went to Bali Joe to find them!
Andi brought his professional camera out so we were taking photos all night! Maybe rolling around in the stage wasnt such a good idea!
Said goodbye to everyone we have met this week! Totally emotional saying goodbye to Neap who I adore! I love him!
Everywhere closed at 2 as usual, I think the whole club knew by then we were getting a flight in 3 hours! They loved it!
Went to go and eat at a food stall restaurant on the way home, I dont think we will have time to do a cooking class here but I would have loved to!
Drove back to Andi's and he packed for an hour while me, Alex and Michael slept! I guess this is the end of today even though we only slept for an hour!
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