Actually got up on time today, even though we are so hungover and went downstairs at 10 and our tuktuk was waiting! The guy was really hot so it was going to be a good day!!
Took 20 minutes to get to Angkor, when we got there it cost 20 dollars (£12.90) for a full day pass. It cost 40 dollars for a two day pass and the same for a three day pass, but we decided we would for a one day one and then maybe come back another day.
Got to the booth to pay and she took our picture! We both got really Americas next top model about it! 'find the light' haha
Went to the first temple called Angkor Wat, this is the most famous one! It was beautiful! Every stone has carvings in it and it took 2 hours to get around it! It's the one in my pictures where there is 5 towers! We saw a couple of wild monkeys there as well. Wanna peanut!!
Angkor Wat is the best preserved temple here and it is the biggest single religious temple monument in the world, it's Hindu. Hindu dedicated to Vishnu the Buddhist. It is one of the 7 wonders of the world!! I know my stuff ;) I think ...
Walked over to this rock and this Tyrannosaurus Rex decided it would be cool to run all over my feet! I'm surprised you didn't hear my scream in Britain! P.s maybe it was a lizard but who knows! Only in Cambodia!
We both felt rubbish but it makes the day funnier! We are practically the same person now it's very weird, we know what each other is thinking, have our own language, say the same thing and the same time and do everything together! Going to need to get him surgically removed!! Maybe they do this in Vietnam where we are getting cosmetic surgery. Only joking ... ;)
Had some lunch at a hut outside the temple, all the children here sell 10 post cards for a dollar! How good is that! But we didn't get any!
Went to find our tuktuk in a sea of tuktuk's, our driver hung a hammock up inside our one! Set off to the next temple, on the way we saw a lot of wild monkeys and we stopped to watch the baby ones! You cant get to close to them though because they bite! I read the nearest rabies hospital is bangkok!
Whilst on the tuktuk parking up we got offered a tuktuk? We hadn't even got off! These people will do anything!
Drove through Angkor Thom towards the next of our temples which is inside it. Angkor Thom has lots of stone heads everywhere you look! We went to one temple in Angkor Thom called Bayon. This is the one in my picture with massive structures with stone faces on! I really liked this temple! Although you had to climb about 300 stairs and they were just stones so really uneven not very wide so i could have fallen to my death! This was my second favourite temple!
Decided not to take so many serious pictures as its boring seeing pictures of people smiling with the same pose everywhere they go. We arnt boring! In this temple I did a bit of planking, fake fainting, falling over, hide and seek etc we wernt disrespectful, we wouldn't ever be, it's just if you only walk round taking pictures I would have hated it. You have to make fun! Also we didn't do it in front of anyone!
After this temple we went to one called Ta Keo, this is the one in my pictures with lots of stairs! Climbing up these was very tedious! It was a right joke! Michael nearly fell off! Got to the top and they were doing construction work! Fabulous! It's about to crumble bringing us to our death! There was a sign at the top where there was not a wall to stop you going over the edge and it said 'be careful' you don't say!!
Ta Prohm was the next temple we went to and this is the one we were looking forward to! It is where Lara Croft Tomb Raider was filmed! Believe me, I went all out! I think I became her! It's a bit of a blur!! I pretended to have a gun and was running round corners, over bridges, climbing over walls, rolling on the floor and doing a bit of karate! All while humming the mission impossible theme tune as we didn't know the Lara Croft one!
I'm surprised I'm not banned from the temple! I bet I'm not the only one who does it though! Well hopefully ha
Half way around a boy started to follow us and then he started being our tour guide! I hate when this happens as he wants money but we didn't ask him to do it! Although without him we would have missed a lot of the smaller things! Like faces in trees and where Angelina Jolie slept while filming! (on a rock!)
This was by far our favourite temple it was so beautiful!! It's the one in my pictures with all the temples covered in massive trees and roots! Beautiful.
Banteay Kdei was the last temple we went to, it wasn't as amazing as the rest of the temples but was still nice! It's the one in my pictures that's flat. A boy tried to sell us a flute for a dollar, he followed us for 5 minutes until he wanted to sell us 6 flutes for a dollar!!!!! (£0.64) crazy! They were beaut as well but we didn't get any!
When we got back to the tuktuk it started to drizzle with rain but it was nice after trekking all over temples all day! Got back to the hostel at 5 ish! We didn't stay for sunset as it was a bit cloudy and we had had enough! So it wouldn't have been worth it!
Saw a monk on a moped and he was smoking! I'm sure this isn't aloud? Bad monk!!!!
Showed the receptionists our silly photos of the day and they loved them!!
Chilled out a bit then get ready and went to pub street at 9! Went the same restaurant as the last two nights, easy speaking! Went to Miss Wongs for a drink! As we know them now they make them really strong! Could barley drink it! Just about managed it though! ;) had a mango something ha
Then went to temple bar to meet friends, at about 2 went across to Angkor What? to have a jug there! Met cheery there and stayed with him all night! Seriously in love with him! We got proposed and all sorts! Haha he says he will cry when I leave :(
Then we all went to hop hop club! Got frisked again to check for guns and knifes and didn't have either so went in! Glad I left my gun at home ;) the security is crazy in there though!
Left hip hop at about 5 ish! We all walked to tuktuk bar which is open 24/7! Me and cheery only had passion fruit shakes though! It tasted very weird!
Then me Michael Cheery and Jay got a tuktuk at about 7 to a food hut near where our hostel is! It was beaut! Ate and then walked home for about 8 ish! Been up 24 hours :|
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