Woke up and got up to date on blogs which are really the burden of my life but I know I will regret it if I stop doing them.
Didn't end up going to Angkor Wat today as we were to tired! Hopefully tomorrow! Oh we are better now as well so we didn't go to the doctors!
Filled in my memory book! It's bulging really badly! I bought an A4 lined paper book and am sticking everything in there! I was given a travelling book as a present before but I'm going to stick stuff in that when I get home as I want it to be neat!
It's so different in Cambodia compared to Thailand, it's a lot dirtier, lots more bugs, a lot of roads don't have tarmac and you see some strange stuff. Children on the street, begging and going through rubbish bags for food everywhere you go! It makes me want to cry.
At 4 we went down and ate at the hostel! Once again we waited like 5 hours to be served the food!
Chilled, got ready and went out at about 9 to pub street! The driving here is even crazier than Thailand! There is lanes but no one uses them so you are going up the street and a bus is driving towards you in the same lane! There is mopeds everywhere! When you come to a blind junction you go to the wrong side of the road and beep to let anything know you are there! I shut my eyes the whole way. It even makes me miss my mothers driving! I never thought I would ever say that!!
The tuktuk's here are different to the ones in Thailand, they have a lot less power and are made from wood not metal! So if we crash that would literally be it! Bye.
Went to a restaurant called 'easy speaking' about half way down! I ordered pasta with fish and prawns and I swear to god it was the most amazing dish ever! I would eat it every day! Had a fruit juice even though all the soft drinks are double the price of alcohol! It's cheaper to drink but I didn't fancy it! I must be getting old!
Got speaking to the girls next to us who went to Angkor Wat today and told us what they recommended and how to get around as I want to get a bicycle but other people said to hire a tuktuk for the day for 15 dollars (£9.70)
Ended up going back to Miss Wongs for a drink then straight to Temple Bar again! It was pretty much the same crowd as last night so we enjoyed it! There is some crazy Khmers (Cambodians).
After we walked to Hip Hop club down the road! The woman proper patted me down as I went in but when she checked in my bag she didn't open anything like my purse or the different compartments! So maybe she was looking for a bomb not drugs?
Hip Hop closed at 4! As we went outside the children that sell things on the street who are all no older than 6 but one boy looks about 2 were outside. They think it's a game to go through your pockets so they come up to you and do just that. I found it hard not to get annoyed as they are only doing what there parents have asked them to do? But seriously with 10 kids round you, you have to hold onto your stuff! They walk directly behind you and stand on your flip flops all the way down the street to try and trip you or annoy you.
There was 5 year olds sleeping in shop archways and when I asked about it, it's because they either don't have a house or they don't like there parents or if they didn't sell anything that day they would get told off. It's the hardest thing ever to walk past all the kids. I hate it.
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