Thanks guys for all the messages!! Sorry I havent been able to sort photo's and things. Never have enough time on the net!!
Dad, loving the message you's like something you would say to rachel or Gillian....Questions and orders!!!...And in response...we flew from BA to santiago and it was 2hrs long. Didnt see Colo Colo's ground as I think it was out of town!
Yesterday we went sand dune boarding and it was amazing. Had the best day yet. Back in Auckland again but setting off to Mercury Bay tomorrow morning. Got a bit of a group going on now so thats good too. V. tired as we had a big night out last night and we saw a wet t-shirt competition - v.funny! Dont worry, we weren't on the stage!! lol.
Not enough time on here to send emails again! Will try do that tomorrow!
Baba And Gordon
tenerife was full of overweight wrinklies sunning themselves(us!) but at least i could practice my spanish. wish we could join you. south America sounds great and new Zealand should be a ball. We'll keep reading your log with envy. lol Baba & Gordon.
Janet & Mark
Hi Girls,
sounds like a fab adventure.
Need photos - get on with it!!!
Have u managed any serious shopping yet?
Good luck with kiwi adventure (have u got ur tena lady for the scary bits????)
Enjoying journal keep up the good work!!!
Take care of yourselves,
love jan n markxxxxxxxx
Suzanne Jones
Read all your journals so far - sounds like you are having a great time?!!
Your Mum is keeping super fit because I am taking her to the "Spa". Although we have just scoffed curly fries!!!!!! mmmmmm nice.
My friends live in Devonport NZ, but they are very posh so
DO NOT approach them!
Phil has had his 'operation' you know the one!! ooooooch!!!! He now talks like he's on helium!!!! lol.
Give my love to Toady (Neighbours!) - get a photo too! you saddo.
Gudday Sheila... lol Suzanne
Chris(Alias Dad)
very interesting stuff but 2 questions how did u get from buenos aries 2 santiago,how long did it take ? and did u c any footie staduims in chile(eg colo colos ground)
please reply promptly to all my queries
love dad
Helen & Roy
Hi Nic
It sounds like you are having a great time. Are you sure that you will ever want to return to cold, wet dull old England? Continue having a wonderful time.
Love H & R
Sylvia And Gez Morris
Sounds like it beats Tenerife! Good to hear you are having a great time. Wish we had had the guts to do something similar at your age. Look forward to reading more about your adventures. Take care. With love Sylvia & Gez
Jan & Chris Hoff
Hi girls,
sounds like you are having the time of your lives!!!!
The moral of the story is 'don't fight for Sprite' - give it to em but make sure you shake it up first!!!!!
Keep safe!!!!!