Lovely to hear u globetrotters are enjoying Cambodia after being in Oz !!! The Cambodian culture, the food and customs!!! And adapting to the heat!!
U are now getting closer to home - your mum and Dad and families will be 'looking forward to having u home and hearing about your adventures & stories - and of course all the photoswill be a highlight!!!!!
What a great OE - Overseas Experience -we call it in NZ here- and many photos and plenty of stories too !!!
Well done u guys - safe travels and will talk soon.
Lillian and Pete x
From Downunder in NZ !!!!
Peter And Lillian Rippey
Hi Nic .
So lovely u rang in from Christchurch for a chat tonight and a catch up before u wing your way to Melbourne tomorrow. Like Anna you'll love it there with the trams,the old buildings, the food & unique city centre. And of course u & Anna have so much to catch up on !!I love the Gold Coast esp!!!!But I also like Sydney too!!!
As u wing your way out of Christchurch u will have a lovely view of the Southern Alps with snow on - a magic sight from the air !!!!! Good photo opportunities!!!
U wont believe this but my sister in Wellington - Elizabeth- u had a chat with her in Wellington .. well...she was in Melbourne last wk visiting her son David and Ali. She's back home now!!So u have missed her in Oz!!! David is doing a graphics course at university there adding to his course he did at Canterbury universityin Chistchurch.
So lovely u could do Queenstown &the Milford trip- magic scenery & where a lot of The Lord of the Rings was filmed!!! We're all envoius - I loved my trip there last yr!!!! U cant get enough of the lovely scenery!!! Pure green NZ !!
Absolutely so unique to have met up with u and also Tom ...............our families are getting closer!!! Travelling is so much easier now - I almost came to UK with my teacher flat mates when I was young- yrs ago-it took 6 wks via the Panama canal on a ship to get there . But instead I married Pete!!! But travel is in our plans in the future!!!!
We will keep up with your blog posts and message board with much interest and all the fun travelling things u are doing. Go Girlz as u rock back slowly to UK-- thats what life is all about - making the most of opportunities and having fun along the way!!!!
Reflecting back- great meeting u and a wonderful opportunity showing u where Dad ended up after WW 2 & where we lived in Reporoa. The photos will be of huge interest to my Dads remaining siblings !!! And our pioneer life then!!!
Safe travels and all our love as u and Anna make your way back to UK. U will be able to add another dimension to your uni study - how travel is an advantage both when u are a student and in your gap uni research says here in NZ ! It came about as so many young Kiwis travel!! esp to UK !!!
U girls are having a ball and good on you!!!
Much love
Lillian and Pete x
Martin And Will
Hello Nic's
we have just been reading your blogg - obly two months late. Looks as though you are having fun. - though the sky diving picture is less than flattering - you'll nevver pull with a face like that!!.
Just spent Easter with your famile, baba and Gordon. Lovely day, played football on the lawna at aBaba's. Broke a greenhouse window - I blame the kids!! Good to see Chris still can't play. Trust you are having a great time in New Zealand. Wil try and keep up with you now!!
Martin and Will (Joe Toni and Dan)!!
Hi Nic,
hope u r ok in NZ & Anna in Aus!!
It's very qiet here without you!! We all went for a meal last night & really missed u being there!!
Enjoy the rest of ur time in NZ. Looking forward to more 'Blogs'
Love u Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxx
hey niic:)
sound like your having a great time, bet yourr mega brown.
i'll keep checking out what you guys are up to it sounds ace.
hope your having a great time! a
annie xxx
Hi Nic,
Gather you're enjoying settling down to read a book after all the thrills and adventures of the last few weeks. Just a little thought to help you pass the time, the ironing's piling up here!!!!!!!! Hope you're having a fab time have really enjoyed reading about escapades, keep up the blog. Hope you're avoiding any ginger kayakers!!
Get to work on that tan and taste some wine - do it for us it'll be worth the effort!!!
Missing you
love jan xxxxx
Pete And Lillian
Hi Nic and Anna - Just read your latest blogs-u guys are having a ball !!! Down at Queenstown ,Milford Sound in the beautiul NZ South Island. Scenery- just fantstic - I was there a yr ago-magic- Queenstown have pubs open 24/7 almost......gotta do the Earnslaw steam lake trip- and the gondola Sky ride for the most fantastic meal &view. Did a bus trip to wineries & caught up with Jared our boy - your good looking cousin -building in Arrowtown!!! The shops are expensivw but Queenstown caters for the exclusive Eurpean jet set- look at the price of properties - Shania Twain has bought land near Millsbrook- Your cousin Jared was one of the bosses that supervised an addition at Millsbrook for the All Blacks tour plus the spa complex!!!! Besides the winery tours -saw bungy jumping - but ole folks like me watched - not daring enough to leap off a bridge and do a Bungy Jump!!!!- Rather than putting a back out -tasted a myraid of wines -not thinking of Pete slaving away on the orchard up north !!!!
Enjoying the bloggs - like your mums - enjoying the comments, ditties and reactions- go NZ!!!! Clean Green and like Tom found - full of adventure. Take care and Talk soon.
Lillian and Pete x
PS .We had a day off today -seafood picnic lunch at he beach-watched parachutists land on Mount Maunganui Beach- generlaly took five from our 24/7 orchard routine. Hoped u have managed to taste some NZ passionfruit - cant believe in my rush to get to see u at Taupo - left them behind - a whole carton for all your bus load to sample -after a taste of Peter Pasionfruit - u and all your busload would be passionately passionate about Pete Passionfruit our brand name. Safe travels.
Lillian & Pete x
PS We are envious of your South Island tour we love the magical South Island scenery !!!!! Clean Green pristine NZ !!! And it is !!!!!
Nic! Loved your photos, especially of sky-diving. Any room in your baggage for a pair of oldies? what a great experience. Take care!
Love Baba and Gordon
Hello Anna
Hope all mums had a Happy Mothers Day yesterday!! Thanks for your message Anna. Delighted you are still having fun not quite sure where you are now as you seem to be moving almost daily. Thinking of you both and can't wait to read the next instalment....
All my love, Ma xxx
Hi Girlz,
hope you enjoyed your trip??!!** Jumping out of planes - white water rafting, kayaking, (oops is that how u spell it???) - What next??
Hope all's well - waiting for the next blog & photo's.
Love to you both - Jan (aka Mum)xxxx
Liv (Favourite Cousin)
hey nic..
mum keeps emailing me the link to your blog so have read about your 'amazing adventure,' am very jealous and very impressed with your wild antics!