loving following your journal great fun keep up the good work. Seen the jumping out of plane photos nic, brave girl!!!! still guy you were fastened to looked cute!!!!!! there had to be a good reason to do it!!!!
Sounds like you're having an amazing time out there, you must be busy haven't heard much about shopping!!!!
Take care of yourselves looking forward to seeing photos.
love janet xxxxxxxxx
Hi Nic and Anna
sounds like you are having a ball life is pretty mundane back here by comparison but at least the sun is shining today! We are all thinking of you and following your trip with great interest.. maps are out!! If you get to western Australia (not sure where you are headed) have good friend there who will be happy to see you!
Lots of Love and stay safe out there
Dee & Co xxxxxx
Pete And Lillian
Morning Nic
Yay and we did finally meet up in Taupo yesterday and it was hot & sunny!!!! Such an opportunity too to drive up to Reporoa & for u Nic to see & soak up History where our family lived & what it was like for my Dad coming from UK . A trip down memory lane- the district was so pretty!!! To see where we lived, and what it was like - lots of land to break in - where they built our house -a fab pic of prosperity now!!!My Grandad sawing timber from felled trees to build a house while living in a tent!!! Where mum& Dad liv d first and lived later- & us while share milkng for mum&Dad what mum & Dad did to break the land in -
lots of screub to cut down!!!My horse & cart trips with Dad & Grandad etc!!!
And how the valley is so prosperous now!!! Fertile green large diary farms and lots of green!!!!
The photos u took will be what UK family -Dads siblings - will love to see- from cutting down scrub to acres now of a green & a pretty farming valley & community!!!!
Safe trip to Wellington - get my sis Elizabeth & Malcom - she is also a teacher - to meet up wth u & her family!!!Malcom - a computer technicianThey lived in London for 14 yrs- she still has abit of an accent!!!
Safe trip to Wellington today and will talk soon..
Lots of love
Lillian and Pete x
Pete And Lillian
Hi Nic..
So close as your bus zapped by our PassionfruitOrchard! turnoff!! You guys could have helped with pick up as we had heaps to get to market that day!!! We almost met up!!!
And that u may have met Nadine your cousin at Tamaki!!!Classic!!! Shes slim and dark like u and a real hard case and a bubbly personality !!!
But we will meet up soon ....U will need a day off in Taupo today to recharge batteries!! And enjoy our NZ sun and get a tan!!!!!
We lived 30kms north of Taupo(Reporoa)Your uncle Tommy ( Fred)met & married mum after WW 2 when he got his honourable discharge from the Royal Navy-lots of Tomlinson history where mum and Dad set up the Daity Farm!!!! U would have passed Reporoa on the bus on the way to Taupo!!!
Catch up soon and we will!!!!
Love $ Best wishes
Peter and Lillian x
Hi Anna
Delighted to read your journal and awed by your experiences to date and know you have so many more ahead of you.
Just returned home from Spain which was a treat as it was unseasonably hot and my colour is great but so darn cold here I canna expose my body (but thats no bad thing!)
Continue to live life to the full; you are certainly having a slice, but also know that we love and miss you and look forward to hearing all the bits you have edited out!
Good wishes to you both from all us Worthys
Cathy xxx
dad brought your email - great. Have studied S America - what places.Mainly spanish.What currency? Went to NE England-Uncle D's birthday do. Claire did long long!!!!! HER & I drove. Michael/Victoria there. Glad you went to RIO - has the sound - the magic Volleyball on beach - Bikinis - True though we did see BAYWATCH babes in Santa Monica Calif - just as TV. I see brown envelope confirming your place M/C. Super-duper. Told dad to confirm right away. Barristers Course the Tops. Get in those Law Buildings. Talking point when you return. All countries Different. Not conversation but KEY to your trip. Oh, go on gran you're thinking, but this is true. Saw great hol prog BBC re N.Z. - sheep shearing, gliding, biking. Up & Down out and in Amazing climate. Great how your friends sending you text messages. Envious. That old "wish I was there" Heather John the lot. Names I don't know. Hazelhurst deserted. All folks off to Uni etc. Claire doing Ski - Jessica b with Fiona. Great 18th. We keep going. "HER" all ok. Blue car running well. Ain't half showing off. JB. Jess not got her first choice course but hoping for No 2 PE+. Leeds. Having soup for tea. Write e mail back to DTR if you have time. Dad skiing 1 week from 10th March. Best Love Gran ps Uncle D sent messages vis hotmail -did you get????
Hi Nic & Anna,
NZ sounds fantastic!! Dune surfing, White water rafting, SKY DIVING??**!! You maniacs - sounds like you are up for absolutely everything - good on yer!! (Be careful though - sorry had to say it!!). Nic - wot happened to girl who didn't like flying & now you are going to jump out of a plane??
Nothing is going on round here & it is so cold & wet, wish we were in NZ! Everyone keeps asking how you are getting on. Anyway, keep up the blog, it's great!
Love to you both - Jan xxx
Hey girlies!
Firstly 'd like to say Heather Staff hasn't changes one bit. When I first went to uni she asked me, "Oh, my friend is at Leeds do you know her"? Ha! A little over 40,000 students. Hmmm..... No sorry, Ha!
Anyway, it sound like you guys are having an awesome time and im glad you have found a nice group of friends, stops you pulling each others hair out i guess, and the weather is so nice. Leeds and Manc are their usual uneventful selfs. There is one thing though, a company which runs a night called "Carnage" came to Leeds and basically you pay a sum of money and its a giant bar and club crawl with drinks semi included. This night got so messy that four people where taken into hospital and one stopped breathing! How nuts is that! So stay away from those crazy antics if there are any like that out there.
I'd love to see some pics if you have time to upload them.
Take it easy, Joe x
Hello again!
Thought I'd let you know that one of my mates from uni is in new zealand at the mo too- his name's chris french, you might be in the same place?? Yes I know it's a big country and the chances are slim but I know you'll bump into each other at a massage parlour- when he's desperate and you're short of cash. No news here, other than finding out I can let my chocolate fountain solidify and then heat it up and it still works! So is now a permanent fixture by the sofa! Highlight of my week. And i fell over at work today. That's all!
Maybe soon I'll update you with more snippets of my interesting life. Byeee, play safe kids xxxxx
Pete And Lillian
Kia Ora Nic & Anna - Cool to hear u are enjoying your Northland trip-Cape Reinga - 90 Mile Beach- " Kapai choice"- .Pete LOVES
90 Mile beach shellfish...hint hint !!.....
That's if there are any left after your crazy ' SWEET AS BRO ' bus ride probably buried them way downunder!!!....
Cant go North without a workout on the Giant sand dunes!!!
Just a quick note to say .........Awesome that u are having a great time in Godzone and enjoying the beautiful Northland scenery and tourist activities. Cheers .Pete and Lillian- Waihi Beach, NZ !!!
Hey Anna, sorry been so long didn't know how to find this coz not recieved ANY!!!!!! of your e-mails still, have to wait for mum or dad to forward them.
I'm soooooooo jealous, got tests this weak, but goin skiing in a couple of weaks so it's all good.
Went out in the pool last night with leanne, had a really good night jut woke up and feelin a bit tipsy still and mum and nanna will be here soon!
love you and missing you
be safe
hi anna hows it going
sat at your dads, were both dead drunk and thinking of you, ive made a doddgy cd full of oh so sad music and the more we play it the more were weeping and wishing we were doing what you are now, as you know it would suit us both so well !!! hows things? hope your looking over the rainbow x see the world live your life xx in the words of israel kamakowiw (spelling?)
'somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, can the dreams that you dreamed of once in a lullaby, high oh somewhere over the rainbow, blue birds fly and the dreams that you dreamed of dreams really do come true'
we love you