Hi Babes
Hope you are having as good a time as your diary suggests
Its a time to enjoy and indulge in ...
Its late here and I'm sat arround listening to music thinkingabout the experiences you two are having on the other side of the world.
On Saturday you missed an eclipse of the moon - it was quite special - it turned orangy pink - wow
Got to start packing soon as I'm off to Ischgl on Saturday skiing again - Can't wait !! - Hope the snow is better this time..
Anyway got to go as its getting late here
Keep up with the Journal - it will be good to look back on - I know it must be a pain now
Miss you lots
Take care
Love you
Dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Nic,
I finally managed to track you guys down! I hope you are well and having a brilliant time!! What has been the most exciting thing you have done so far and what has been the most amazing view?
Your pictures on facebook make me want to pack a bag and jump on the next plane to an exotic place far away from Hensall!! lol
Keep safe and write soon!
lot of love x x x x x x x x x
Yo girls,
just come across this message board, if you pardon the expression. Loving the pictures, south america sounds amazing...i'm very jealous of you both. You'll be pleased to note nothing is happening in the Uk of any note,
hope you're both well...especially the Hoff as i dont really know anna,
stay safe,
Helly Welly
Salut anna!! sounds lyk ya havin fun fun fun in the sun!! read bit of ya journal its sounds lyk big adventure woo, cant believe how many places ya already bin! im lovin french land its jus alot of gettin drunk n my french seems to be betta wen im drunkle!! met loads ppl from all ova world, lyk sure ya hav, made me laugh bout that naked german guy u wer sharin wit ha ha! annas email is [email protected]
happy travellin!!
bisous xxxx
hi nic and anna,
only just stumbled on this blog thing, glad uv decided to do one tho!
hope ur having lots of fun and are keeping safe! im going to austria this weekend on a free skiing holiday, cos someone dropped out!! woo!
roj's mates have moved to nz...look out for a fat ginger bird!! lol
Hello Girls
Not sure what has happened but Dad & I have only received this today - hence you have had no response until NOW!!! However delighted to read your journal and catch up with your adventures. Absolutley thrilled that you are having a good time and living life to the full!! We are eager to see some photographs. Really interesting to be able to read all your messages from friends and family - everyone wishing you well!! Just printed off your journal and left a copy with Nana Margaret - she is really giddy!! Everyone is so green with envy - pays dividends to work hard and play hard - a trip you will remember for the rest of your lives. Missing you like mad - going to see Claire in Liverpool on Wednesday with Nana Margaret - lunch, shop, cinema. Really looking forward to seeing her. KEEP IN TOUCH - have fun, be good, be careful. Love you Ma xxxxx :) :) :) :)
Hayley Dowson
Hi lady so jealous, sounds like you and nic are having a blast. Just got back from Paris so sorry about the delay. When do you go OZ? you are going to love it.
Paris was lovely nothing like colin said, great food loads to see and the shopping was amazing.
P.s. so were the cakes he he yummy. xxx
Have you got a tan yet - bet you have you b****, only playing lady.
Im just looking forward to my birthday in April now and my trip to Cyprus,my sister is so keen she has already started to by mini board games and drinking games.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon
Gab Marr
Hi Anna,
Glad to hear you are enjoying NZ - the best is yet to come though when you head west back across the waters! All is fine here - waiting for Hayley to get to work so I hear all about her Paris trip!
Take care.
Hi Cus!
I'm so jealous, it sounds like you're having a brilliant time- I didn't know you had this thing, it's awesome! I've just had tea at nana's and played the accordian- do you remember that? Nana told me to pack it in and put it back in the attic where it belongs. I can't wait till I go travelling- are you keeping a diary so i'll know where the best places to go are? I've seen your photos on facebook- it looks brill! Miss you xxxxxxx
Hey anna!
wiked idea about the travel journal, although got to admit I'm a little behind on the reading as u only sent it to us last week...
went to poppy ts last night and had a lovely chat with john-he's missing you loads, bless him!
anyways, will update my front of the goss via email soon (I promise!).
keep on having fun
love ya
Hey hey babes, and nic :)
Sounds like you are having some awesome fun!!!! I want to be there aswell. Only 4 weeks til i get my taster of travelling in thailand, Yay. I am awaiting the next instalment of your journal, makes a very good read, lol
Missing you lots anna + see you both soon
John xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Harriette & Rich
Hello there Anna!!
All sounds so fabulous, and yes we are both very jealous even more so as at this present moment in time we are both stuck in doors with bloody awful weather outside and noses in our books boo!!!
Can not wait to see some of the pictures!! hope your not too tantastic!!
H- Im off to mexico in a few weeks with the family which im so excited about as ive got to the point where ive had enough!! grrrr!! and oh lordy Sian is up to her old tricks which is annoying beyond belief--- but that enough about my boring-ness back home!!
Keep having lots of fun and take too many photos!!
Lots and lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxPs miss our chats