One thing we haven't done much of in Australia is explore its culture and history, particularly of the time since the Europeans arrived. So when we hit the gold mining town of Kalgoorlie we thought we would try to remedy that deficiency…
By visiting a brothel!
Gold has been discovered in many locations in Australia, but Kalgoorlie still has active mines producing large amounts of the shiny metal. It has also retained something of the atmosphere of a 19th century gold rush town, with many pubs advertising the fact that they employ skimpies" - extremely scantily-clad female bar staff. There are also three brothels which are not only open for business, but which offer tours.
Even before our visit to a "house of ill repute", however, we were made aware of Kalgoorlie's rougher side. We had just been in the information centre and I briefly left Katy on the main street while I went round the corner to retrieve my cap from the car. Almost immediately I was aware of her calling out to wait and I turned to see her scampering after me.
"A man just went past and said something," Katy gasped.
"What did he say?" I replied, puzzled.
"He said 'Hello, you've got nice boobs'!"
And this was at nine o'clock in the morning!
We decided to take a tour round the oldest brothel still operating, Questa Casa, rather than one of the glitzier establishments. We were shown around by the "madam", who was a very well spoken woman in her sixties called Carmel. She explained that she had got into the business 18 years ago after her husband died. Carmel said she had been depressed and her doctor had recommended that she find something to do with herself. After looking at various businesses, she had bought the brothel - partly because it was something different.
The doctor, by the way, was a little taken aback when Carmel explained how she had taken his advice and bought a brothel. "Good heavens! I only meant you should take up charity work!" he apparently replied.
Carmel spent a good bit of time explaining this and also the general history of Kalgoorlie and its brothels. When gold was discovered in 1893, thousands of men descended on the area almost overnight. Many were single and those who had families left them behind. Given such a concentration of testosterone and money, "working girls" had followed the men out from the cities in the hope of making a living.
The authorities decided to concentrate the brothels in one street on the edge of town and to tolerate their activities, which were officially illegal. Any attempt to close them down would probably have been met with a massive riot in any case. Carmel also explained that until nine years ago, all the prostitutes had had to live on the premises and were not allowed to mix with "normal" people in the town. If they broke that condition, then they were put on the train with a one-way ticket and that was that.
I know that most prostitutes are forced into the business by ill-fortune, manipulative and violent men or a dependence on drugs. Carmel, however, explained that most of the girls she had known - and presumably employed - did it simply because they could make so much money. She told us that today's prices range from $250 for an hour down to $115 for fifteen minutes, with 60% going to the girl and 40% to the house.
Carmel also cited the example of a Dutch girl who had worked at Questa Casa for about 20 years, the last of which was Carmel's first. The girl worked only four months a year and owned a nice house in Holland; in the other eight months of the year, she travelled the world, always going first class.
Just as we were beginning to think it sounded like a glamorous sort of life, Carmel pointed out that working in a brothel has its downside. She had once asked the Dutch girl what was the most clients she had "entertained" in a single working day - which could be as long as sixteen hours. At this point Carmel asked us and the other four people on the tour to guess the total. The lowest estimate was five, with my figure of 32 the highest.
Carmel told us that the Dutch girl's "record" - if it can be deemed that - was 70!
Part of the tour involved being shown around the working rooms. Each girl apparently has her own, decorated according to her taste and perhaps her "speciality". I was given a personal demonstration of the latter in one room when Carmel told me to sit on the end of the bed. She then proceeded to fasten handcuffs around my wrists. "This is the domination room", Carmel announced to the suitably amused group.
I couldn't move and was wondering if I would be left there, but Carmel undid me after Katy had finished taking photos. Good job really, I suppose, because I can't afford Questa Casa's prices!
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