Andy's Counting Rice Grains
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Bangkok, Thailand

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Bangkok, Thailand
Tom Haha! Trying to get closer to the largest building in the world, but ending up further away! All this time away and you're still a wally.
re: Exit Asian AndyAnnie Hilarious - not sure on you being hostage, Baa baa or frozen? Not sure if this is a good sign of you need to get to England?
re: Just let it goDanka So, the best pepper corn? We like cooking with pepper...wink wink, hint hint ;-)
re: Ascending Bokor for no reasonTom Mate, a few things: Please leave me some pepper. Do you remember the salt mines in Poland? How come you never tell us what Tash eats? Have you eaten a bug yet?
re: Tuk'n in the side of the countrymike Should have added man, there is an app called Scratch pre-loaded for the coding. It's a preset module type platform: drag, dro, join and hit start. Simples really. The other stuff I mentioned needs a wire off course )
re: Fixing Computersmike Lots of uses for the Pi...learning to code being the primary but they can be used for a multitude of low level technical services: Web browsing/Internet TV streaming being two that may be immediately useful to them. Off course, learning the Linux OS is my preference; Raspbian is a pretty good Linux version. is a good place to start.
re: Fixing Computers- last visited

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Tom Haha! Trying to get closer to the largest building in the world, but ending up further away! All this time away and you're still a wally.