Nick's Garage
We had an uninterrupted night's sleep and woke up at 9 am. After filling the water bottles we set off again. We drove until lunch time and then stopped because Mae was missing Matt and needed to chat on skype for 2 ½ hours, during which time we also tried to find a place to stay in New York. This turns out to be far easier said than done as the majority of people don't bother to answer your messages and this is on a site where you are paying to stay. After we set off again the noises from Bertha really didn't sound good so we decided to try and get her fixed. We pulled into a place called Nick's garage where they immediately checked her out. They filled up the power steering fluid which was leaking and although they were willing to replace the ball joint this couldn't be done until Monday at the earliest as they didn't have the part and they aren't open weekends.. This was too long for us so we had to decline but before we left they injected some grease into the joint to stop it wearing so much, and sent us on our way. When we asked how much it would be they refused to take any money off us and just said have a safe trip, once again in America we have found the people to be lovely. We spent the rest of the evening hoping from wifi to wifi trying to find somewhere for New York, so far we have had 2 people say we can stay and then let the place to someone else before we can reply one of these at 4am. We then drove to a rest stop to spend the night.
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