We didn?t want to tell you til we had ensured our survival... yesterday we mountain biked down THE MOST DANGEROUS ROAD IN THE WORLD and we have tshirts to prove it!!!!!
It was amazing! (you are probably getting sick of this word, but everything here is amazing!)?
The road is 64km long and descends over 3600m, is very narrow (3.2m wide) and paved with mud and loose gravel and has vertical drops off the non-barrier protected edge! All this accounts for the fact that roughly 200 people a year die on it - but thankfully not us! It was a little hair-raising in places, but the company we went with were ace - Gravity Assisted Mountain Biking are definately the ones to go with! They reasurringly changed Sophie's brake pads before she headed down the worst section of the road! Phew!
At the end of the road, we had a very nice suprise too. The place we had our showers and our lunch was also a sort of halfway house for abandoned or neglected animals of the jungle variety, and to our amazement they had a Jaguar!! The jag was a female cub, whose mum was shot by a farmer, she was spending two days at this place before heading off to a sanctuary in the jungle.? We are so happy that we have managed to see one! and to think we were happy just to have seen footprints!! Bizarrely, there were also spider monkey babies wandering around sporting nappies, along with squirrel monkies, parrots (that kept knicking our garlic bread!), macaws, cats, dogs and an agouti! CRAZY!!!
All in all, it was a wicked day and on the plus side we survived!
We have been pleasently suprised by La Paz too. Its kinda like an undeveloped New York, with the extra zest of hundreds of angry protestors lining the streets and setting off mammoth fire crackers! (our ears are still ringing!). Its really nice and we are having a fab time. Got a few more days booked in our plush hotel - the first one we went in was disgusting, stank of smoke and was nicotine stained with unmade beds - uggh. So we hotfooted it to the snazzy 3 star pad down the road, which has a courtyard, big beautiful rooms and an amazing all you can eat breakfast, which we have been taking full advantage of!! Nice bit of luxury for only 24 quid a night!
Might be off to either Potosi or the salt flats in Uyuni after our stay her, not decided yet! Will keep you updated!
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