I am writing this message on behalf on Nanny and Dadda.. as usual they have messed up their computer and their messgaes appear 4 times instead of the usual once! They have asked me to write another message explaining their error!
" arent you a lucky girl sarah getting four lots of birthday greetings. we typed one and it disappeared completely so we did another one and got four back. dont ask us how we did it we are up with katie having a lesson. bet it gave you a good laugh. but we promise we will get it right before the year is up. many thanks for the latest card from silly sussex"
there, thats a rewrite of their message! Me and mum will get them sorted on this computer buisness before you have finished travelling! glad to see you are still having lots of fun and keep those blogs coming!
love you both lots Katie x x x
Clare & Kev
Hiya both
We see you're having a brilliant time away from your piccy's. No news from this end of Wales!!! apart from Kev binned the bike again last sunday, not much damage though and no broken Kev apart from his wallet again.
We're getting on with the wedding plans now though, i have got you an invite but i won't send it until you get home. Looks like either Jamaica, Barbados, Tabago or Antigua in end Jan 2009.
We have booked a holiday in Nov though to Goa for 2 weeks, don't think your trip takes you near there though.
Happy birthday Sarah
Have a great time. Luv Clare & Kev
Alex And James
Happy, happy birthday to you!!!! Happy birthday Sarah my dear!!!! Have a fab day on whatever adventure you are doing today!!!!!!
Hi to Andrew too!!!
Love you loads
Alex & James.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Very relieved to hear you are O.K and you were not in the Inca region. Have been finding the places you mention on the map and thought the floating islands fascinating. The Godfather's wall was not tall enough to stop Chelsea scoring on Saturday but Birmingham made a good fight of it.
Message to Sarah for tomorrow (Wednesday)...we should be singing this to you but you will have to make do with Andrew doing it for us .....heaven help you. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Sarah, happy birthday to you. Loads of good wishes from us both. Have a great day. Keep on enjoying yourselves, but keep safe and well. Love from us both the old codgers from Sussex
Tigger & Steve
Hey you two! It's so good to see your photos and read your blogs: you're having a fabulous time. Very glad to hear you weren't affected by the earthquake.
I knew you'd love Bolivia! It can be a real shock at first compared with Argentina but it really is an amazing country, with genuine people and breath-taking sites. The trout at Copacobana hmmmmm......
We're so jealous of you heading across to Cusco to do the Inca Trail. A couple of tips for you: collect all the free drinks vouchers off the guys in the street and go from bar to bar without spending any money! Breakfast at the real McCoy is fab and chill out watching movies in the bar/cinemas in the day. Have you seen motorcycle diaries yet? Cusco is very cool although you're probably already there now and worked all this out for yourself.
Take care both. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Kooga!!
Love from
Tigger and Steve xxx
Sue Hayden
Hi Sarah and Andrew - Your blogs and photos are fantastic - what an experience for you both. I know you are now in Peru, we are all glad you are both safe and well after hearing about the earthquake, we know Peru is a big place. Nana sends her love to you both, she is coming over to look at all your photos, I keep printing all your blog entries for her to read and keep in a scrap book. Weather hit and miss here at the moment so have to catch the sun when you can. Anyhow Sarah I hope you have or had a lovely birthday on Wednesday (depends when you read the message). Don't get too drunk on the local beers.
Lots of love from Nana, Sue, Phil, Chris & Gemma xxxxxxxxxxKeep on enjoying yourselves - look forward to the next instalment
Sue Passfield
Hi To you both'
Glad to see that you are still enjoying yourselves, can't believe that you have been gone for 2 months already.
Happy birthday for wednesday Sarah. How exciting to have your birthday in such a beautiful place.Hope it's as magical as you hoped it would be.
News here is that Katie did well in her A levels and is off to Worcester university on 15th September-so exciting but scarey too! James is away on the Breacons for 2 weeks on military exercises with cadets-its rained everyday since he went!
Anyway keep safe and enjoy
with love Sue xxxx
Bob Rae
Andrew & Sarah - You don't know me but I am Grandad E's golfing partner. I have enjoyed your blog and photos very much and I particularly look forward to your impressions of the Inca Trail. I walked it with a trekking group 24 years ago shortly after it had been opened to tourists and when the infrastructure was very limited; it was not difficult to follow the route as it was marked by a trail of excrement and toilet paper! Even so it was a great experience and I envy you for getting there now; if you get the chance do climb Huyana Pichu, the steep hill behing Machu Pichu for a stunning view (and an interesting experience in climbing Inca steps.
All best wishes Bob
The Godfather
Hi to you both,
From your photo's and blog it would seem you are having a great time.
Hope you managed to see some UK football. Did you catch the amazing score line Chelsae 0 Birmingham City 1. That must have caused a few shocks, I bet Grandpa Etheridge had to reach for the brandy. Even the final score of 3-2 to Chelsea must give us some credit in the premier league, at least it shows we Brummies have some fight.
We have cleared up most of the mess at work after the floods although we still have a furnace and press out of commission. The bill for loss and damage comes to £35k so that means no pay for me for the next five years or so. The Lifford was saved by by a sandbag dam which kept the river Rea out but the rumours are it may still close. It would appear I cannot drink enough on my own to keep the place open, but I will try. They have already stopped the carvery and put in a new menu but it is a bit iffy.
Looking forward to seeing more great views and more wild life so keep it coming. Pictures of a clean shaven bumface might be a shock though!
Hope you have a great birthday Sarah and that you still have some puff left to blow out the candles on your cake after the climb to Macchu Picchu. If you need extra help you can always call on Andrew, he is usally full of wind.
Keep having fun, I will get back to boring work.
hugs and stuff, Keith
Hi you two,
Am keeping in touch via this website, love the blogs & photos - really envious though not of the creepy crawlies. You look like you're having an amazing time and its only just starting!!! Am sending this a bit early but just in case internet cafes run out - happy birthday Sarah what a memorable one!
Things go on the same here, few more redundancies some of names you will be surprised at I think, Helen Smart is pregnant Xmas baby (luvly news), Nikki still on the CofC treadmill, Environmental Auditor training this week, the office has fleas-what was it I said about creepy crawlies, Becs is really well but getting big so we're all getting excited, amazingly sun shone this weekend had to mention that, watched the Hay Tug of War boys & girls at the Three c*** Steam Rally yesterday they were really good, we really got into spectating but not actually pulling of course!!! I think of you every lunchtime as I wander up the lane with Bonnie! Will let you know any other really interesting news, but am keeping in touch via your really great blogs! Take care of yourselves, no more dynamite please ....
lots of luv
Mum And Dad
we have escaped from home and we are in edinburgh, we spent friday night in melrose , lovely town did you play rugby there andrew,the hotel was strange
yesterday we drove onto edinburgh, we saw the tatoo that was amazing lots of bagpipes and marching , we then swa a fringe play in a basement there are so many to choose from it is hard to make a choice , we saw one abuot 3 women looking for husbands , not dads taste or interest , we then went out to eat getting back to our hotel about 1 am
I am glad you made the bike ride it looked scarey form their web site what a sense of achievement you must both have
It was great to speak last week
Keep safe love you and miss both of you
Mum and dad
PS dad is really into harry potter and keeps asking the dog if she speaks parcel tongue
Pete Graham
Hey there you two, I've finally got round to checking this out, (about time though!) good to hear your having an amazing time I am very jealous, to read about your travels. I'm taking notes and will be asking for tips when your back as fingers crossed another year or so and ill be doing it, Whoo! However for now the rain in Manchester will have to do, I've actually just moved to Withington in Manchester, its amazing!!! Really enjoying ourselves and nick is crashing here over the summer too, so lots of brotherly bonding going on. Anyway ill check the website out more regularly from now on have a great time and see you when your back.pete