Woke up this morning to bright sunny warm weather (like we haven't had that every day since we've been here) but this time there was no sign of cyclone Oswald. Took an early swim in the pool, which was glorious, then headed up to Maroochydore (means black swan). We visited there with our newest friends that we meet on the airplane from Vancouver. Anne & Doug are from Halifax and have been coming to Australia for the last 7 years for their winter holidays. They spend 3 months here. We had lunch and then toured the town and learned all the local secrets. I just love the names of places in Australia like Maroochydore, Mooloolaba, Currimundi, Beerburrum, and Dicky Beach. Try to pronounce those .. It's a hoot.
One of the things that stands out for us here in Australia is their love of children that shows in how they seem to plan everything around the education, freedom and fitness of children. They have numerous parks, sports fields, and educational facilities that cater to children over and above their schools. It has been very nice to see.
Plan to have a quiet evening.
Temp. 29C and still humid
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