About 4 hours before we got to El Calafate everyone had got off the double decker bus we'd been travelling on and we were the only people left upstiars and there were 3 people downstairs. We assumed the position at the front of the bus and just watched the scenery go by.
When we got there the only thing we wanted to see was the Glacier so we had a few beers in the afternoon and booked our tickets to go and see it the following morning.
It was absolutely amazing! We can't describe the sheer scale of it and the photo's don't do it justice. We went in the afternon so the sun had been heating the Glacier all day and you could hear (and somtimes see) ice shearing off. When it dropped of it was like a roll of thunder.
We had 4 hours there before the bus pickd us up but it was far too long, there's only so long you can look at a Glacier, it was a pretty long walk round but in the end we had to kill about an hour and half by having a brew, everyone was in the same boat, our entire bus was waiting with us!
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