Been feeling a bit down and lonely and sorry for myself over the last couple of days, going brain dead from lack of conversation (even I need conversation sometimes) I have been staying at the Asylum Hostel in Kings Cross since last week, is called the asylum because it is thought to be mad and friendly, was not impressed and the girl I was sharing with (was a 4 bed room but only 2 of us in it) was out all night coming in in the early hours and slept all day (one time bringing someone in with her) (not female!!!! Strictly against the rules and I should have reported her, but would have felt bad if I had) which made me feel uncomfortable about being there during the day when she was sleeping - think she worked in a bar, but as she totally ignored me during my stay apart from a short conversation on me moving in, I can't be sure. (Canadian, sorry Brian if you read this)
I was going to go to spend some days at Bondi (yes Rosie I agree from a visit that I made on my second day in Sydney that it's like Southend with sand instead of mud) but anyway again I changed my plans and I have moved today to a hostel just down the road from where I have been, it seems a lot better, people actually talk to each other and I don't feel like some sort of overaged hippy, invading thier space like at the other place. And I can go to Bondi or any other beach as a day trip as none are too far away. I am booked in Eve's Backpackers until Sunday 22nd and have a flight (well 3 flights actually) back home on Monday 23rd. The days are spent by walking a lot, sitting in the sun a lot, reading quite a lot, seeing things that don't cost to much (less easy) - and jumping on and off the ferries around the harbour and beaches. I am loving the history of Sydney, but the modern place itself .... it's ok, but as much as a pain it can be sometimes, I'm missing home
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