Tuesday 6th Oct - Got a map of Phuket town, my umbrella due to the awful weather, and went for a wander! I was gone 2 hours, soacked to the skin. The only thing I really saw was a mosque which was in a school, where I gave 2- baht to a monk dressed in orange robes, he was standing at the entrance, so I asumed it was an entrance fee. When I gave him the money, he promtly started walking off down the street!! so I've no idea!! LOL. I had some lunch and headed back to the hostel. I had a wash and went to a night indoor market with 2 girls i met in the tv room, adrianne and hannah - who was part of a couple from derrbby!! I bought quite a few dresses, tops and a cardigan for about 20 quid!! we had dinner and chatted for a bit, then headed back to watch a film and go on the internet before bed. Got a bit teary tonight, Rick txt me saying he'd been on a nice long boat trip, had lots of thinking time about us. I sat on the swing chair and cried my eyes out, thinking the worst, and it turns out, he said he just realises how much he loves me, and the other couples on his tour are in his words.."sh*t" lol. What can I say, I'm pretty emotional at the moment.
weds 7th - Got up at 9am waited for it to stop raining, and got the bus into Patong. It took a long time and started raining heavily!! I arried to throngs of dirty old english looking blokes with young thai girls on their arms wandering round, or flirting at made me feel sick. I went to a quiet pizza place and stuffed my face! then i went to sit on the beach, the beach was quite dirty, then water was not pleasant looking!! eventually the tide went out and took the rubbish with it. the sun was out for 2 hours, so i went in the sea, sunbathed and tried to save a beached puffer fish for about an hour, which was probably hysterical to watch, as they are poisonous, sadly I could not save it, it drowned :-( poor thing. I saw some very very pretty lady boys who were winking at me. Got the bus back at 4, and chilled out in the hostel. Rick txt said he's leaving Hanoi, getting an overnight train, and in his carriage were 2 lesbians and a old man lol. Tonight "Gary Glitter" as mum has named him- aka the dirty old perve came stumbling over to me while I was changing the dvd in the tv room, he leant into me, touched my hair and I instictively shoved him away with my hand and looked right in his eyes and said "ANdy, that is IT, I have had enough, do not touch me, and do not touch anybody else here, especially young girls. we come here to chill out and meet people our own age. but here you are ruining it for us, an old drunk that wont shut up and sits on the couch all day being a pervert. and oh lucky meeee I am here the whole week you are. do not talk to me again." everyone in the room showed their appreciation at what they all wanted to say to him!! what a dick. My nan apparently is not sleeping well, she is worrying so much about me being on my own in thailand! she was begging me to come home!! I said nan i have been away one year, surely you can wait one more month?! lol.
thurs 8th - today i took a taxi up to phuket lookout point, managed to get a few photos in before the clouds completely covered the town, and it bucketed it down very heavily! I then went to see the "big buddah" which was pretty big, but not as big as i had expected! I went into the prayer booth with the monks, and preyed that rick would be safe and for my dog reggie to stay well until i get home. I lit a candle and put some change into the money box, the monks were very friendly. The driver then took me to a factory shopping place, so he could get a stamp on his card for cheap fuel!! i ended up buying a silk purse and 2 silk pillow cases for my bed back home. nan would have loved it there, all the cheap jewellery and fresh water pearls.
Had a bit of a bad night tonight, ricky really confused me, after I txt him telling him what Gary did to me last night. Think he took the txt the wrong way and started sending me not very nice txts. I got very upset, spoke to mum, did not understand why he was doing this to me when I am here on my own, not having the best of fun, with some idiot ruining it for me. I decided to leave thailand, and booked a flight to malaysia, and a nice hotel for 10 days. It was probably a bit rash, but I needed to do something, I felt like I was being a fool. Thailand is not much fun when your a girl on your own, unless your with someone, or just want to get drunk all the time.
friday 9th - so i have everything booked, flight and hotel to Penang in Malaysia - via Kuala Lumpur. I never thought I'd be going back to Malaysia! back where my trip first started a whole year ago!! I'll see how it goes, see if I stay travelling and wait to meet up with Rick, or decide it's time to go home. Me and Rick sorted things out today, which I am glad about - I still don't understand what quite happened to be honest, but my friend sally is right, i need to stop thinking im going to be dumped every time there is an arguement. I had an afternoon nap, as I had been up since 2am arguing with rick and booking my flights! so i was knackered. I had to then try and sell my Phi Phi ferry ticket. I managed to meet a nice guy called Ray Chang, who is from kingston, where i go out sometimes back home. He bought my ticket for 200 baht, and then it was time to pack my things up! Malaysia here I come. I know I am glad to be leaving, Phuket has been a let down. Went out for dinner and a few beers with Ray, and 2 really nice guys tonight, they had such travelling tales, I was amazed listening to their stories, thought why am I going back home again??? lol
sat 10th - I checked out, had lunch with one of the guys Arpan, I met last night, then off to the airport! Phuket to kuala lumpur was a very short flight, felt like half an hour! and I even had a meal and dont remember booking one! it was the spicest prawn dish ive ever had!! Eventually arrived at KL, then boarded domestic flight to KK (kota kinabalu) the question is....will my suitcase be there?? this is me we're talking about here!! LOL.......
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