hello from Penang malaysia!!!
sunday 11th - so checked into my hotel - paradise sandy beach, tangjung bunga beach. I am in room 13, on the 22nd floor, its a very high hotel! it's brilliant, has a gym on top level, gym, pool, and is right on the beach. a banging disco/bar and restaurants on the ground floor. When she checked me in, she looked at me as if I was mad because I was "just one person?? not two?" I looked around and said "no just you see anyone else?" lol. I thought...oh this is going to be fun on my own. I opened the door to mt deluxe it was huuuuuge, had a big round balcony overlooking the gorgeous sea, huge bed, kitchen, a bath!! a baaath!! :-D I was very happy, just what i needed. I slept so well i didnt wake up for breakfast! Well, slept well apart from the bed bug bites from Phuket hostel itching like mad! I had some lunch, and layed on the beach in the glorius sun all day, swam in the sea, which was like a flat bath, even though there were jellyfish signs, I was fine. Nobody bothering me on the beach like in bali and thailand - i t was great! Spoke to rick and mum. I had pizza and pina coladas on the beach tonight! ended up chatting to an old couple from Lancashire, they were funny, completely oblivious, talking over me. SO I just sat in silence for half hour while they rabbited on about rubbish!
mon 12th - Spoke toMum and nan last night, they are now ringing reception and asking to be put through to my room - the reception must thinm Iv'e come here on my own to kill myself and people are ringing the room concerned! haha. I really struggled to get up for breakfast again today. In the middle of a mouthful, this really over the top woman who worked there came up asking how my room was, any complaints, and basically trying to get me to book trips. I could not get a word in edgeways, I thought it was quite rude as I was eating! why not ask while we're on the beach or round the pool? She then proceeded to tell me how to be safe on my own, even though I kept trying to explain I had been travelling for one year, I am fine, she was not listening to me. So again I just sat there and listened. lol. She told me to consider her my big sister, I thought well in that case can I tell you to f*ck off then?! LOL.
tues 13th - the jetski man VJ chatted to me for about 2 hours on the beach today, I thought it was too good to be true being left alone for 2 days! He tried getting my phone number and saying I must come to his family and celebrate Divali (which malaysians spell dipavali) I said no thank you! lol. I missed rick a bit today, Its gorgeous here, but pretty lonely. I had room service and listened to the tv, as the screen didnt work properly lol...ofcourse!! watched some discovery channel stuff - I feel like nan!! lol
weds 14th - I stayed by the pool today, partly because I had 2 calls to my room phone by men asking did I want anything, and some just saying "ammmyyy ammmmy ammy" non stop. God knows who it was. All the male staff kept coming and sitting on my sunbed asking why am I on my own, and commenting on my blue was like being in Egypt again!! bloody men. A kid pooed in the pool today, which I found very amusing!! all the staff were arguing about who sucked it out with the vacuum. Sankur the tours man helped me book a tour to langkawi coral iland in a few days, so that'll be nice to get away. I had more calls to my room tonight, I said "no...if i wanted anyting i would ring room service, now please stop calling, or i will complain, normal hotels do not do this, so do not tell me its complimentary service!!" I told reception, and they said no this is not normal, do i want to change rooms, I said no its fine. I have decided after my 10 days here, I am going to fly to Kota Kinabalu, and stay in a backpackers, I miss talking to young people my age! I feel like a mute, and the only time i talk is to say "thank you thank you thank you, or no, I have a boyfriend, he is in Vietnam"
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