I had a very non-touristy day today.
Went to sleep early last night - woke up LATE today. I was kind of planning on going to Kyoto today but by the time I woke up that wasn't all that much of an option. (I bought my mobile with me to Japan to use as an alarm clock but it ran out of battery and won't charge here for some reason :( )
So instead I had a nice slow morning then explored the loal area. The map said that there was a place called Osaka City Plaza a couple of blocks away so I went to check that out. It's really just a bunch of little shops that aren't selling anything all that interesting.
I spent some time in the local park - very little grass. I would have taken photos but there were a bunch of office workers sitting around having their lunch and I didn't want to disturb them. Also, there was a woman walking a tiny little caramel poodle wearing a pink frilly dress. The poodle was wearing the dress, not the women; she was wearing patterned suede pants, a weird jacket, and very high heels. It was kind of funny watching her and the dog parade around and pose in front of the business men that were trying to eat their sandwiches and ignore her.
There is a primary school across the street from the park and for about half a minute some really loud music came blasting out of it before the teacher could turn it down to a decent level. I didn't really notice it until they turned the music off and I realised I was still singing along. It's a good song - first time I've ever heard it without headphones involved :P
I walked around a little more after that. Went past the fire station that's around the corner from me. So many shiny red trucks. One of them was about to drive out and a few of the guys stayinng behind were talking to the driver before he left, so I didn't take a photo. I figured I'd come back and take one when there were less people to stare at me. The sides of the trucks all say 'OSAKA Super Rescue' in English. It's really cute.
Walked around a bit more.
Decided to get some groceries since my breakfast choices this morning were down to prawn flavoured rice puff twisty things or a cup of tea. I still haven't found a real supermarket, or even just a market, so I went back to the local Lawson (convience store/ conbini). I got some more individual servings of precooked rice (I'm living like a bachelor :P) and actually found meat that was neither battered or crumbed. It was probably there last time too, but I was distracted by the packages of seasoned fish overies and the tentacle skewers (sticks covered in the amputated legs of baby octopuses).
I also got the cutest bottle of soy sauce ever. It's only 100ml, which is good because I'm not going to bother taking it back on the plane with me and I don't want to waste too much, so a tiny bottle is ideal. I didn't buy it just 'cause it was cute, I swear.
I got chocolate too. The 'Melty Kiss' chocolates looked really yummy so I got them. They're actually kind of crap. They're not well made at all - I could make better chocolate than that myself. But the Alfort cookie& cream things are YUMMY! I could live off them. Well, not really but you know what I mean.
Luckily I ate them before I made dinner. I had chicken but it was soooooo fatty. The only knife in this apartment is so blunt that I couldn't properly cut up the fish I had for dinner last night so removing fat was an impossible task. I just had to cook it and eat it as it was. 'Twas gross, but I'm determined not to waste food. Now I has a bellyache :(
For the record the things that this kitchen comes with are as follows:
1 Pan
1 Pot
2 Kettles (1 electric, 1 stovetop)
1 Electric Rice Cooker - that I can't figure out how to use since all the buttons are in Japanese and there are no instructions
1 Large Bowl
1 Small Plate
1 Small Soup Bowl
1 Small Side Dish Bowl (Tiny and kind of pretty)
1 Glass (with the wrong logo on it)
1 Tea Cup that might grow up to be a mug but is too small to be one yet (also with the wrong logo on it)
1 Cutting Board
1 Egg Flip
1 Rice Scooper Thingy
1 Blunt Knife
1 Tablespoon
1 Miniscule Spoon
1 Set of Disposable Chopsticks
There are so many things that just can't be done with this collection of stuff. Lol
I'm going to bed now. Goodnight.
- comments
Clairey Post a photo of the buttons and/or controls on the rice cooker and I'll decipher it for you. With those crazy things you'll generally find that one part water and two parts uncooked rice thrown in will turn into lovely rice all by itself if you hit a single button. But the button will have two settings: cook and warm. Woe betide the hungry fool who does not hit the button properly! Alternatively, there will be a model number on the base. Google it for instructions. Stay cheesey, mini-cheese!
Mum Hi Louie Sounds like you need to buy a sharp kinfe and donate it to the apartment, but then you might need it in Toyoko, but I don't know whether you can carry it on the Train to Toyoko so you might need to leave it and buy a new one in Toyoko. hmmm...such a dilemma. You have a very clever sister..Google sounds like your friend over there, at least you can live on Pepsi and Alfort Cookie and Creams...Mowgs is good. She lies on your bed and looks at me as if to say....You here or not today? Do I have to get up?? ...Such a smoocher...She's doing ok..I put the Christmas tree up yesterday. Got off nights and stayed up all day....naughty mummy... but I went for a massage and then got stuck into the Chrissy thing and by the time I had done all that it wasn't worth going to sleep till night time...hehehe.. Well I hope you have a great day today... Follow the crowds and you will find a supermarket...Buy an alarm clock as well...Love ya.. Keep smiling..Moogie