Could you be a shop assistant there ? Sounds overwhelming. How can they think of so many things to want? I worked it out, you are the equivalent to 4uA/Japan person(uA for micro Amys)or 1/25million.I think its 25.Still feel OK ?We love ya!Big girl! Eat well(or thread it onto string and make preety necklaces)
Hi 'da Dada,
Lol Amy Math! But why am I a micro Amy?? I want to be an Amy to the tenth power or something. :P
Hi Amy... Where are you? Haven't seen any piccies for a day or so..Just doing the Mum thing and making sure all is well. Mowgli slept on the floor in our room last night. She is so snuggly. let me know you are still ok.
Lova ya
Hi Moogie,
I'm still here. Just didn't have much to say yesterday so I skipped a blog entry. I'll write up another one in a minute.
You sound like you're spoiling my cat :( Don't spoil her; she'll forget to love me *sniff*
Is it ? Does it ? Can you Feel....Like you are in amongst one of the biggest groups of people on the planet ?
24,999,999 + AMY !
You have very colourful pictures of , , , food I spose ? Do you actually eat it ? Is it time for a roast yet ?
Would probably look better if I checked for typing errors before hitting the Post button!
si-a-nara (don't know how to spell that correctly!)
Hi Amy, Your mum passed on your blog address so now I can also keep an eye on what you're up to you (well not litereally of course - both my eyes are frimly in their sockets) LOL
Hope you're having a great time being a Tourist in a far off land.
Hi Aunty Margie!
Sorry it took me so long to reply, I just noticed this message.
Lol, yes keep your eyes in their sockets. I don't think Ben would enjoy learning to become a seeing eye dog. I am haing fun; lots and lots of fun.
The house burnt down!? !!!
That's sad. Vernpa always did have amazing powers of prediction though.
OSAKA Super Rescue ? Could mean Osaka's Uper Rescue ! Did it have a long ladder. They may be bad spellers. Oh , by the way,307 Webster Rd. burned down today. Vernpa said it would. Have a great day tomorro :)
Seriously, you are way more commited to this whole blog thing. I think your four days, has out done my whole two months. Hope your having a good time.
I'm not very happy about you playing so close to the road. :(
Hi baby; Glad you didnt land in the ocean full of jellyfish and get made into biscuits. You were not dressed for it.
Hi Daddy: Nope no landing in the ocean! But I was watching up about a guy who flies away in a house supported by a huge bunch of helium balloons and at one point, both his house and the plane got turbulance at the exact same time. It was really very cool :P