Today I went to Kyoto; Home of Astroboy and countless temples and shrines.
I took the slow train up there, stopped at every stop. It only took 40mins.
Trundled out of the train station and went for a walk. A block and a half later I came across Higashi Temple. They're reconstructing part of it so one building was completely enclosed in another big white building but you could still go inside. I went to the edge of going inside. They had these counters that dispensed plastic bags and signs asking you to take off your shoes if you want to go any futher. I was wearing my comfortable (coughstinkycough) shoes so I didn't go in. The bags were so you could carry your shoes around with you in case you exited from a different place than where you entered.
After that I walked around the outside of the temple and back down to the train station via the residential streets. Rich neighbourhood. There was a phoohaa white convertable sports car in one of the little wooden garages and slightly down the street there was a sad dalmation sitting in a doorway. He was tied up to something inside and could only just reach the door. Poor thing looked like he just wanted to go for a walk.
I cut through the train station and out through the other side to go see Toji Temple. Ended up buying some souveniers on the way though - that train station is huge.
Got to what I figured was Toji temple and wandered in. I was lovely and peaceful and there wasn't a single person in sight. Just pretty falling leaves and birds chirping. I could have stayed there all day if they'd had anywhere to sit. But it was weird without anyone else there and I sort of felt like I was intruding so I left. There is more to that temple - they have the tallest pagoda in Japan, but I didn't see that bit. I think it must have been around the other side.
The thing I figured out at Toji temple is this: I don't care for temples. Toji was lovely and by far my favourite but I still didn't want to stay so instead of visiting the countless other temples and shrines, I headed back to the train station (which is a tourist destination of it's own). On the way there I stopped into a Seven and iHoldings (7 11) and had my first experience with a Japanese ATM. I was scared of the ATMs all being in kanji so I've been avoiding using them.
I think I love seven eleven. You put your card in, select your language and go about your business. 'Tis easy and brilliant.
And then in the shopping centre/ train station I shopped and shopped and shopped. Found some fun souveniers, Saw a water fountain that drops water in shapes so that it makes words or logos or Hello Kitty's face out of backlit droplets. It's so funky.
Found a sweet shop that has these little spiky balls of sugar that are glazed pink. I used to have them when I was little and I'd go to play at Minako's house (grade two, I think). I love those little spiky balls. I missed those little spiky balls. I'm so happy to have found them again.
Then I got a bullet train back to Shin-Osaka. Back in 20minutes. Transfered to a normal train to get to Osaka station then jumped on the correct train back to my station. Done and easy.
Got back to the aparment revelled in the stuff I bought, did a load of laundry, made dinner (shredded beef and rice), had actual bread for dessert (yay I found real bread instead of the overly sweet stuff that the people here seem to think is bread) and spiky sugar balls too.
Time for a shower and then bed.
Good night, Hope you're all havinng fun back in the land of Aus.
P.S. I know I should respond to all the comments that everyone has left for me but there were so many today and I'm tired so I'm just going to say thanks for leaving me messages and call it a night.
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