2nd full day in the camper van and 3rd post by Josh. (This will get posted online tomorrow if/ when we next find wifi. Currently we're by a dry river surrounded by fields of dry grass with some flat top hills in the distance, although it's very nice here there is no internet. For those interested, we're staying at Fig Tree Crossing Rest Area, it's called this despite a lack of fig trees)
We've been steadily driving north. The first night we stayed near Guilderton and then we went to the Pinnacles desert, lots of lime stone towers sticking up out of the sand. It was quite nice although mega hot, the thermometer in the van was reading 45! We then went to the beach at Cervantes just up the road for a bit. After buying food and petrol at Jurian we headed to the campsite we intended to stay at. It was in a lovely situation right by the sea, but we were instantly inundated by bees so we decided to go somewhere else. This turned out to be a not very nice rest stop by the main road. There were fewer bees but still enough to be a nuisance and loud enough to wake us at sunrise the following day.
The sunrise was beautiful however, and after another hours sleep we drove to Dongara to eat breakfast in peace. We parked by the sea front and ate our crunchy nut cornflakes, it was very pleasant. Another short drive took us to Geraldton. After a brief look around the shops we got a large juice and went to the museum. It was rather interesting, in the way that small museums often are. There were displays about ship wrecks and some wonderful (correct usage - Martyn) photos of the islands off the coast (Alborhlos). After lunch and brief internet usage at McDonalds (Stockport lost) we drove around to find a beach. In the end we came back to Geraldton and spent a lovely couple of hours in the warm clear water, and watching crabs scuttling about when they weren't being chickens and hiding in their holes.
We are now at a lovely camp site and hoping for more of the same tomorrow.
Josh x
- comments
sally Sounds lovely apart from the bees!Its hard to understand the scale of the place. Big hugs.. X